How to restore the mucous throat

How to restore the mucous throat
 When a portion of the throat from the back of the tongue to the vocal cords become inflamed, the pain in the throat. Causes quite a lot, one of the most common - is mouth breathing air, while a stuffy nose. Sore throat may occur due to contact with small amounts of the esophagus of gastric juice. Furthermore, the problem associated with smoking and smoke inhalation of any origin, chemical substances, including those that cause allergic reactions.
 In the winter months, when heating is working in areas normally too dry air, it can cause inflammation and irritation of the throat. Therefore, the air must be artificially moistened. Remains or buy in the store moisturizer, or else put under the battery container with water, which will constantly evaporate and thus to humidify the air in the room.

Restore the mucous throat, you can use a variety of methods. To begin, start breathing nose. When human nose is stuffed up, he begins to breathe through the mouth, so the throat too dry and irritated. After swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasal passage subsides, then inflammation of the throat disappear. However, it is not necessary always to use nasal drops, so long as their use contributes to desiccation of the mucous membranes.

Inadequate fluid intake also adversely affects the mucous membranes. Try to drink during each meal at least one extra glass of water or tea, before going to bed do not forget to drink some liquid. If the body is saturated enough, then the sore throat will not bother.

Tobacco smoke is irritating to the throat, and if you smoke, sore throat will not work until you completely get rid of this addiction.

If gargle 2-3 times per day decoction of herbs that are enveloping and softening effect, the pain will go away pretty quickly. Such actions have elm bark and marshmallow root. Broth soothe irritation and in a week you will feel a distinct relief. In addition, marshmallow root can be added to tea, and to achieve the best effect, use honey instead of sugar.

Discomfort in the throat may occur due to heartburn. Even if there are no symptoms, the problem may be associated with gastric reflux. That is, the acid gastric juice penetrates through the esophagus into the throat. This usually occurs during sleep. While heartburn is not cured, to restore the mucous throat impossible. In this case, you must consult a doctor.

Tags: throat pain, mucous