In order to avoid the consequences of poor digestion comply with certain conditions of use of food - part reception and a small amount (not to overload the stomach). Furthermore, thoroughly chew food, and it did not mix with water for one hour. And in the case of receiving too dry dishes drink acidic drinks - lemon juice, acidic water or cranberry juice.
Increase in the number of their diet of roughage - eat more raw vegetables and fruits. They saturate the body with vitamins, minerals, fluid. Their coarse fibers help cleanse the intestines and prevent it developing rot and fermentation processes.
Limit your intake of foods that contribute to flatulence (bloating) - milk, white bread yeast, as well as legumes and thermally processed vegetables (potatoes and cabbage). When you cook them cumin, and in the finished dish - dill.
To prevent bloating in the morning on an empty stomach drink a glass of pure water, and after 30-40 minutes after the 0, 5-1 glass of freshly made potato juice. After use it soak for 30 minutes. Juice drink not less than 10 days.
Daily 1-2 hours before bedtime drink a glass of kefir. He helps to restore the intestinal microflora, the violation of which is one of the reasons for the gassing and bloating.
The tendency to flatulence before eating take pharmaceutical drugs - "Linex" (2 capsules 3 times a day), "Mezym forte" (1-2 tab. A day without chewing), "Espumizan" (1-2 h. l. before meals), as well as activated charcoal, carminative collection, gastrointestinal collection and chamomile flowers (as a tincture).
For the rapid elimination of swelling in the intestines, add a piece of sugar 5-7 drops of dill or anise oil, and then eat it. You can also prepare an infusion of fennel seeds or cumin.