How to reduce the pulse

How to reduce the pulse
 Strong deviation from normal pulse rate poses a danger to the human body. At an elevated heartbeat can try home remedies. But it is strongly recommended to pass a comprehensive examination for the purpose of treatment.
 For a healthy person of middle age normal heart rate is 70-80 beats per minute. Moreover, it must be rhythmic. Different intervals between pulses of blows - a sign of arrhythmia.

Pre-measure the blood pressure, as very often when increasing the pulse rate also increases. In hypertensive advisable to immediately take medication prescribed by a doctor. This will help in the short term to reduce the heart rate. The most common drugs to lower blood pressure are "Corvalol", "Validol", "Valocordin" tincture of valerian, motherwort.

Increased heart rate, or tachycardia, in sports or high physical activity is often accompanied by a feeling of heart jumping out of my chest. In this case it is necessary to take a relaxation pose, eliminate heavy loads, allowing the body to relax a bit. It is advisable to drink green tea, which normalizes the cardiovascular system. In any case during the exacerbation do not drink strong black tea and coffee.

If tachycardia appeared due to the high temperature, take antipyretics or wipe the body with a wet towel. Ensure plenty of drink, which will allow to bring down the temperature and simultaneously normalize the heartbeat.

For the treatment of secondary tachycardia use different decoctions of herbs. For example, you can take 2 tablespoons of the mixture of mint, lemon balm and valerian and pour 2 cups boiling water, bring the broth to a boil and cool. Take during the day in small sips.

If the pulse is stored for a long time above the level of 120 beats per minute, it is imperative to consult a specialist cardiologist. No treatment leads not only to the arrhythmia, but also wear of the heart.

Tags: heart, pulse, tachycardia, heartbeat