How to lower eye pressure

How to lower eye pressure
 Elevated intraocular pressure is a serious reason to take care of their health. If the problem be taken lightly, glaucoma may occur. This disease leads to the destruction of the peripheral and central portions of the view, reduced sensitivity of cells of the retina and optic nerve, and then - partial and complete loss of vision.
 Glaucoma - a dangerous disease, so it is important to detect it in time and treated. The disease may be suspected by the following features:

- Increased tearing eyes;
- "Heaviness" in the eyes;
- Frequent headaches;
- The appearance of bright circles when viewed from the light source is not.

If you noted at these symptoms, immediately consult an eye specialist. Treatment is usually limited to the eye drop drop, increasing the outflow of intraocular fluid and reduces its production. Often treat glaucoma surgery or laser methods.

All people over 40 years is recommended annually examined by an ophthalmologist to prevent glaucoma.

In order to reduce intraocular pressure, follow these guidelines:

- Exclude high physical activity and strain;
- Minimize salt intake;
- Drink the liquid of not more than 6 cups per day;
- Eliminate from your diet strong tea, coffee, alcohol;
- Quit smoking;
- Eat foods that contain calcium and vitamins A, B, C, D, PP;
- Holds the following sports - badminton, tennis, swimming;
- Implemented a 30-minute walks;
- Do therapeutic massage of the neck.

Of traditional medicine for the treatment of glaucoma is very useful golden mustache. Make an infusion of this plant and take it inside or make him a lotion for the eyes. You can also dig eyes juice of this plant.

You can also prepare an infusion of herbs or small duckweed celandine juice, mix them in equal proportions with water. These infusions soaked gauze and apply it on your eyes for 15 minutes.

At elevated eye pressure is recommended to drink a decoction of nettle infusion of wild pear shoots, brewed powder sleep-grass meadow or infusion. For instilling eye with ocular hypertension using onion juice with honey.

Tags: eye pressure treatment of glaucoma