How to do inhalation

How to do inhalation
 All treat colds differently. Some people take drugs and pharmaceutical powders, but many are still treated the old and proven tools, which include inhalation. This is a fairly simple and effective method that is particularly recommended when the first symptoms of colds.

Inhalation is very effective when you cough, with warm and humid and facilitates expectoration, improves blood circulation and thins mucus. The therapeutic effect is enhanced by the addition of inhaled medications and herbal infusions. Several procedures are sufficient to significantly alleviate the condition - reduces dryness and sore throat and begins to cough.

Inhalation drugs and herbal extracts in the form of aerosols or vapor and exposed to respiratory mucosa, without falling into the stomach, so they are faster.

These procedures, despite its availability, require compliance with several rules:

- Inhalations need after a meal, an hour and a half;
- During inhalation does not need to be distracted, the neck should be free to nothing difficulty breathing;
- After the procedure is not recommended to eat and talk for about an hour;
- Small children are contraindicated inhalation of boiling water, as they often receive burns to the respiratory tract.

When using the inhaler, it is better to choose the compressor or ultrasound, they are more convenient and efficient.

During seasonal epidemics, it is useful to various SARS prevention inhalation. Even such a simple option as chopped onions or garlic, placed in the room will benefit.

Before you begin any inhalation must ensure portability of drugs that are added to its composition. If, after the procedure you feel worse, you need to inform your doctor.

At home, make a steam inhalation with the prescribing physician medications or essential oils and herbs. To do this in a pot of boiling water add a designated amount of funds or 10-15 drops of the selected oil. You can add the juice of garlic or onion, broth chamomile. Fold the cardboard or heavy paper funnel, wide end, cover the pan, and over the narrow end inhale the steam. You can also breathe the steam over the pot, just covering his head with a towel.

Children need to make sure inhalation under the supervision of an adult and not earlier than 2-3 years.

The duration of each inhalation from 5 to 15 minutes is enough for children 5 minutes. Make these procedures 1-2 times per day.

As in all types of treatment, inhalation, too, there are contraindications. In no case can not do them at a high temperature. Inhalation contraindicated high blood pressure, a tendency to nosebleeds, and heart diseases.

Tags: disease, treatment, conduct