How to cure a residual cough

How to cure a residual cough
 Coughing - a protective mechanism, which clears the airway and prevent blockage. When the body gets rid of cough sputum, pus, mucus, blood, foreign bodies. He is accompanied by a multitude of diseases. It is very important to pay attention to proper treatment and not to rest on the stage of residual cough.
 Some such residual cough lasts for weeks or even months. All the matter in the increased sensitivity of the bronchi after an illness. Coughing can cause a cold or polluted air, temperature contrast. Take some time to come back to normal bronchi. During this period, we need to continue home treatments do not supercool.

Inhalation is one of the most effective treatments for cough. Residual cough is usually wet, when it can be done with eucalyptus inhalation, mother and stepmother, wild rosemary, plantain, succession, yarrow. Effective enough inhalation of saline or mineral water. You can use essential oils - sage, sweet, lime, fir, pine, eucalyptus, rosemary, lavender and cedar. It is best to use for such an inhaler or nebulizer treatments. If these devices do not, you can just breathe healing steam over a kettle or saucepan, cover with a towel. Duration of treatment - 5-10 minutes.

In folk medicine, there are many recipes for effective treatment is a residual cough. One of the best and easiest ways - milk with camphor oil. You need to boil a cup of milk and drop in a pharmacy 5 drops of camphor oil. In the form of heat to drink a glass of morning and evening. After this treatment the cough disappears quickly.

Milk with figs also effective in residual coughing. It is necessary to boil 2-3 pieces of dry white figs in a glass of milk, let it brew and drink hot several times a day. Soon cough will be over.

It would be appropriate to remember about all your favorite radish with sugar. You need to cut at the top of a large black radish, make a well, pour there honey or sugar and cover the top cut top. A day later appeared juice take a tablespoon three times a day before meals.

Residual effects can be treated with cones. To do this, put in a thermos 2 tablespoons chopped green fir cones, add a couple tablespoons of honey and pour two cups of boiling water all night. In the morning, strain and drink throughout the day.

If the cough, in spite of all your works, does not pass more than three weeks, it is necessary to visit a doctor.

Tags: cough treatment