How to compress to the throat

How to compress to the throat
 Each disease is manifested by their negative symptoms that overshadow life. And sore throat, whether for colds or flu, particularly troublesome, because each meal becomes a torture.  
 Of course, in a timely and proper treatment can do much to relieve the pain as much as possible. Someone accept only medication, others are convinced that there is nothing better than traditional medicine, while others are more objective and understand that each approach has its advantages. So why not take advantage of the fact that a simple and efficient? For example, one can compress the throat.

Those who only heard about this method will be useful to know what is needed, and how to make a compress. Before you begin the process, you need to decide from which will compress. There are several options. For example, it can be made from vodka, potatoes, cabbage leaves or soda. Then find the very fabric for a compress, dry natural mother or a large amount of wool, cellophane, woolen shawl.

To make vodka compress, you need to warm up a little vodka and moisten it a piece of fabric (it should completely cover the throat), attach it to the body and cover with a layer of cotton wool or a dry cloth. After that wrap around the throat and cellophane to keep warm on top of the neck to wrap shawl. Keep the compress for about 2 hours, but be guided by your feelings, because it is likely that you will burn the skin. Therefore, if the compress very burns, it makes sense to make sure that it does not harm the skin. It is advisable to make a compress, lie down and rest, so that the body effectively fighting the disease. Of course, will have to suffer the unpleasant smell of vodka, but relief will not force myself to wait.

There is another option. For example, you can attach to the throat warm cabbage leaves, fix them with a dry cloth and woolen scarf wrap top. This wrap is not dangerous to hold an unlimited amount of time, but preferably not less than 2 hours to the throat had time to warm up.

In fact, there are many options for making a compress, and some people even have their own special secrets that allow you to recover as quickly as possible. But most importantly, be able to put a compress properly and do it if necessary. Then the disease has receded much faster.

Tags: throat compress