How to choose cough preparations

How to choose cough preparations
 Autumn - winter - this is the time when our body becomes extremely prone to various colds. However, not every one of us can afford a long time to relax and get into bed, waiting will be annoying cough and runny nose. What you need to do to cure the common cold, they as soon as possible, and what should be taken cough preparations, tells his readers female online magazine JustLady.

Cough medications. Composition and appointment

Why there is a cold? Causes it gets in our body the virus that creates beneficial environment for the development of other occupants - toxic microorganisms that infect the nose, throat and respiratory tract. As a result of their attacks with fever and a cough and runny nose. Many of us felt such ailments, acquire, on the advice of a friend or friends, somecough preparations. And it often happens that temporary relief from these drugs, as a result, a few days turns into complications that have to treat long and hard. The cause of this situation lies usually in the wrong choice of these drugs and abuse their reception.

For example, in recent years become a popular treat colds cough using instant teas. The composition of almost all of these teas include the same components, each of which has a certain effect. It has antipyretic effect of paracetamol, reinforcing its action and increase the body's resistance to ascorbic acid and vitamins, normalizing phenylephrine hydrochloride nasal breathing, coughing slightly depressing pheniramine maleate and reduces fatigue and stimulates mental activity caffeine. The basic elements in the composition of treating cough and cold medications - acetaminophen and ascorbic acid, or vitamin C.

The efficacy of a particularCough medication depends on the presence or absence of various additives in it, the configuration included in this formulation components and the total amount of the treating components. Therefore, choose the medication you need, based on the symptoms of the common cold. For example, the drug "Dalerons" contains only acetaminophen and ascorbic acid, and only helps to strengthen the body's defenses and reduce the temperature. A drug "Rinzai host" is more of phenylephrine hydrochloride and allergenic components and caffeine, and not only eliminates temperature and dry nasal passages and raises intellectual tone. In other words, if catarrhal symptoms somewhat, you need to choosecolds drug a broader spectrum of action.

In general, acquiringcough preparations, We must remember that the treatment of the common cold paracetamol is not always appropriate. It has antipyretic action, and bring down the temperature is recommended only when it exceeds 38 ° C. If its value is below, it means that the body is able to compete successfully with cold without further help to reduce the temperature and is not necessary.

Formulations containing phenylephrine hydrochloride and pheniramine maleate, if needed, when it is a runny nose secretions. When dry mucous better to take medications containing paracetamol and vitamin C. And choose the right medicine without dyes, as dyes may provoke an allergic reaction. Those who are sick and suffering from hypertension, heart failure, need to buy drugs without caffeine and other stimulants. And people suffering from diseases of the stomach, it is not recommended to take the drug on an empty stomach with paracetamol, as it irritates the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. Drugs with pheniramine maleate should not be taken if there is a disease of the urinary system, and people with diabetes should pay attention to the presence of drugs in sugar or sucrose.

It should be remembered that there is noCough medication does not give a full guarantee of cure. In general, these drugs are focused on the alleviation of disease and enhancing the body's defenses. Often, however, one of their action is not enough to chill has been eliminated completely. Therefore, to achieve maximum results, it is advisable to combine the reception cough drugs with the use of folk remedies.

Folk remedies for colds

Popular folk remedies for colds are based on the use of decoctions and infusions of herbs and fruit and berry juices. Therefore, they can be applied only if on grass and some kinds of fruit are not allergic. For example, a good antiseptic and tonic properties has citrus juice, drink it but those who are allergic to citrus, of course, impossible. On the whole, effectively reduces the temperature of orange juice and grapefruit, and lemon juice cleanses the body and enriches it with vitamin C. In addition, all of these juices are antiseptics.

Fresh juices are red or black currants also have anti-inflammatory effects and rich in ascorbic acid. Very effective in the treatment of the common cold teas from linden flowers, fruits, raspberries and mint leaves mother and stepmother. Their hot drink before going to bed. Good in this period and broth cranberry and strawberry with honey, which they drink too hot three or four times a day. Wonderful treat cold juice, syrup and cranberry extracts, which you can drink without any restrictions. Bad cough syrup helping of chopped slices of lemon, honey, sage and ginger, if consumed chilled, one tablespoon three times a day.

The most important thing when a cold - its prevention. For it is recommended to drink on a daily basis of a cup of tea with Echinacea, sage, honey and eat a clove of garlic. This will help support the immune system and counteract the negative effects of causing the common cold infections. And, it is likely that if she can not attack our body, and we forget that this cough, runny nose and fever.

 Olga Kocheva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: preparation