Fluid retention and control methods

Fluid retention and control methods
 Fluid retention associated with an imbalance of electrolytes. Water can accumulate in the tissues of the whole organism or a specific location (in the legs, arms, etc.). The illness can be caused by hormonal disorders, diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidney disease, lymphatic insufficiency, as well as a sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits, long stay on his feet, and other factors.

If you become trapped in the body fluid, first go to the doctor. He will reveal the cause of the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment. If you have no pathologies, get rid of the trouble you will be combined methods.

Processed food

Discard the chips, canned food and any thermally processed foods. It is the main source of sodium which contributes to water retention. If you limit your sodium intake, reducing the amount of fluid circulating in the body.

Fruits and vegetables

Include in the diet of the optimum amount of fruits and vegetables. Thus, you will be able to support the amount of sodium in the body at the appropriate level of health and to avoid fluid retention and edema.

Vitamin Be

Doctors believe that vitamin Be helps get rid of excess fluid in the body and is a natural and useful diuretic. It is found in bananas, avocados, poultry, spinach, lean meat and figs. In the event of edema include these foods in the daily menu.


There are types of physical activity, reduces swelling. This cycling, aerobics, running, walking, climbing stairs foot. They contribute to the compression of veins, reduction and elimination of calf swelling.

Raise your legs

If you have any swelling, lie on your bed or couch and lift your legs to increase the circulation of fluid. Recommended in this position for at least 2 hours. If you find it difficult to keep your own feet, beneath their pillows.

Fluid intake

Drink a day at least 2litrov liquid. It will speed up your metabolism and help to cope with the swelling. It is best to drink plain water without gas, green tea or coffee.


Sometimes severe swelling doctor may prescribe diuretics in the form of tablets or herbal. However, never take diuretics without consulting your doctor.

Foot baths

Foot bath with sea salt and herbs (chamomile, mint, etc.) help to cope with the swelling. Water should be at room temperature. Then you can rub swollen area with ice cubes.

Tags: body fluid, the struggle, the method of delay