ARI in infants - small bedki?

ARI in infants - small bedki?
 The kid in the house ... This cute little bundle, with sleepy eyes deep with tiny little feet and handles. How much joy it brings into the house - he focused the universe, the sun, which attracts all: grandparents, aunts, nephews, and of course, mom and dad. Watch the baby, watch as it grows, smiling, reacts to touch and affection - this is the main pleasure of motherhood. Women's magazine JustLady knows about the endless happiness, when a child is born, but he understands that any ailment little man causes a lot of anxiety. Even acute respiratory disease in infants face complications. To help cope with the situation without harming the crumbs - our task.

Acute respiratory disease in infants not a harmless disease, as it may seem at first glance. Not only that, kiddies just hard to breathe when blocked nose, it causes a lot of problems with feeding, baby naughty, feels bad. But this is not a complete list of troubles. The thing is that the auditory canal and sinuses they still underdeveloped and therefore banal rhinitis easy and not by constraint can go in otitis media. If time does not begin treatment, the consequences could be extremely severe. The situation is complicated by the fact that treatAcute respiratory disease in infants very difficult. Here Hippocratic principle - do no harm - stands on the main site.
So, what to do if the baby is constantly sneezes, he has a high fever and a stuffy nose? There are lots of options to facilitate small state without resorting to pharmaceuticals. Let's go in order.

If fever

The first thing to do - do not panic. Second - do not listen to the advice of grandmothers, that child should wrap. Overheating for infants - it's much worse hypothermia, so if the temperature is above 38 degrees, you do not give antipyretic necessary. Swaddle a thin diaper and let as much liquid. You can make camomile tea. Half a teaspoon of chamomile flowers fill with boiling water, infuse 30 minutes, strain and desoldering. If the temperature rises, it is possible to wipe the following composition. Take a glass of water a teaspoon of vodka, stir and wiping every 15 minutes. Or put a wet pelenochku chest. When the temperature rises above 38, 5 - take the phone and dials 03. Then act on the instructions of doctors.

If a stuffy nose

Edema of the mucous child breathing heavily. Therefore, we must first deal with this problem, and then treated for sopelek. Not only that relieves swelling naftizina better, but there is a risk of addiction to the drug. To facilitate breathing, try cold inhalation with essential oils.
Options compositions for cold inhalation.
1. 1 drop of eucalyptus essential oil, 1 drop of essential oil of peppermint and 1 drop of tea tree.
2. 1 drop of essential oil of peppermint, 1 drop of lavender oil and 1 drop of sandalwood oil.
3. 2 drops of essential oil fir and 1 drop of rosemary
One of the composition is applied to a clean handkerchief and give the baby to breathe minute to 2 to 10 times a day. You can also soak cotton pads in this lineup, and put to bed. To disinfect the air, especially during flu and SARS, just use essential oils.

They can be used in oil burner, and for wet cleaning. For aromalampy take a drop of the following essential oils: tea tree, juniper, pine, fir, lavender, lemon, eucalyptus, rosemary and cypress. It should be remembered that you should not mix more than 5 oils at the same time. In deepening aromatic lamp has recess. There is poured water and add oil. Evaporating, the oil is not only disinfects, but also perfumes the room.

For wet cleaning 30 drops diluted in 5 liters of water. And wipe the furniture and floor.
Once the swelling is removed, you must remove sopelki. You can use ordinary baby pear. She can suck like mucus and rinse sinuses. For washing the sinuses are preparing the composition of the glass of boiled water, half a teaspoon of salt and 1 drop of iodine. Instead, the last two components can take and ordinary sea salt. Use this mixture to instillation.

As effectively fights with a runny nose and Kalanchoe juice or juice from the leaves of Jade with honey. In teaspoon squeezes juice of the leaves, add there honey, on the tip of a knife, stir and buried in the nose.

Well as struggling with a cold, and with edema carrot juice. It should be diluted at a ratio of 1: 1. Drip into the nose. And the perfect tool to combat the common cold - my mother's breast milk. 1 drop in each nostril.

If cough

Fight with a cough at this age is very difficult, but possible. In the first place to deal with a cough will help herbal teas with chamomile and mother and stepmother. If the temperature is not present, then the same highly effective inhalation-bath with essential oils. With a cough to help cope sandalwood oil, eucalyptus, thyme, sage, pine and tea tree. Take one or two oil and drip into the hot bath. After 5 minutes go there with the baby and take a bath together for about 10 minutes. After that, you need to make drainage massage: baby lay on the back, fingers covering his chest, stroking the child toward the neck 5-6 times. Turn over on his tummy, his hands in a circular motion from the bottom up ground to not pressing hard just 5-6 times. A pat on the back a few times. Shift the baby on his knees belly down and vigorously rattling edge of his hand on the chest. Completing massage soft soothing strokes. 

To enhance immunity, can make a tincture of rose hips. Tablespoon of rose hips fall asleep in a thermos and fill with boiling water. Insist 4 hours and is used in large quantities.

Women's magazine JustLady hopes that these tips will help you cope withAcute respiratory disease in infants. Health to you and your kids!

 Natalia Toropova / Women's Magazine JustLady

Tags: baby, Ambassador, rosehips, grudnichok, kalanchoe, treatment, oil burner, attack, broth, palm