Amenorrhea. Causes and Treatment

Amenorrhea. Causes and Treatment
 Our menstrual cycle is a harmonious process designed not only to prepare the foundations of childbirth, but also to ensure the normal operation of our other organs. Therefore, disruption of the menstrual cycle in the absence of pregnancy - is a signal that the body has some glitches. Many of us menstruation sometimes disappear for some time. If it is not too prolonged, amenorrhea usually do not cause much concern. Since the delay may be the result of some change in their way of life, or to pass on to others, it is quite obvious reasons. But in the case when this period exceeds six months, menstrual irregularities already should be treated with suspicion. The fact that a similar violations are called amenorrhea, says online magazine JustLady.  

Types and symptoms of amenorrhea

Amenorrhea can occur in almost any reproductive age. This is not a separate disease, but a symptom of some disease or the result of negative changes in the body. She is accompanied by infertility and suggests that in women hormonal system have any violations.

Amenorrhea may be primary or secondary.Primary amenorrhea is a complete absence of menstruation, which has never been. It occurs in girls with delayed puberty and in women with congenital disorders of the hormonal system.Primary amenorrheais quite rare and is very heavy menstrual dysfunction of the female body.

Secondary amenorrhea involves initial presence of menstruation, which is then permanently stopped. The reason for such a violation of the menstrual cycle can become serious diseases - tuberculosis, tonsillitis, some infections, heart disease, lesions of endocrine glands, polycystic ovaries, and more. In addition, the reason for the occurrence of secondary amenorrhea are stress, poisoning, heavy physical exertion, alcohol or drug abuse, hormonal disruptions, bad environment, the use of some medications. It develops due to diseases in childhood and postponed due to overwork, neuroses, reception tranquilizers, anorexia, resulting in a rigid diet, abortion and operations and appears as premature menopause.

Secondary amenorrhea may occur even when a woman really wants to have a baby, and then called a false pregnancy. The body, as if to realize the desire of his mistress, stops monthly and demonstrates the appearance of conception.

There is also a natural look so prolonged absence of monthly -lactational amenorrhea, Comes after birth through breastfeeding baby. It does not require some kind of treatment as the menstrual cycle is usually restored by the end of the feeding of the child. By physiological type of menstrual disorders and amenorrhea is occurring as menopause.

As for other types of amenorrhea, there needs inspection specialist women, a series of surveys to determine the cause of failure and menstrual purpose of treatment. Otherwise delay threatens to turn into quite a lot of significant trouble.

Treatment of amenorrhea

Methods for the treatment of amenorrhea depends on the causes of its appearance. So if amenorrhea is the result of a way of life, should try to change it for the better. Good nutrition, rest, adherence, fresh air and exercise, along with the treatment of existing diseases usually promote rapid recovery of the menstrual cycle without any consequences.

In secondary amenorrhea arising for other reasons, hormone therapy used in combination with physiotherapy. Hormonal drugs the doctor prescribes after inspection, allows you to set the level of hormonal failure and stimulating factor this failure. In addition, a full examination allows to exclude surgical procedure, which is required when in the womb of some formations.

Primary amenorrhea treated by long-term use of estrogen, which results in the normal sexual development of women and menstruation finally appear.

If the cause amenorrhoea is a lot of stress, need to consult a psychologist. Stress states do have consequences, and memories of them can lead to the re-emergence of amenorrhea.

Therefolk remedies amenorrhea. The most popular of them - a decoction of onion peel, which take half an hour before meals for half a glass of morning and evening, and the infusion of seeds of parsley. In addition, for the restoration of the menstrual cycle is recommended to drink herbal teas sorrel, with juniper needles, rue, shepherd's purse, horsetail. To stop delay can be taken three times a day one spoonful mixed with sugar grated lemon.

Traditional methods of treatment of amenorrheaCertainly credible, because they are based on natural ingredients. However, despite the fact that these funds can be quite effective medical examination must be carried through. After all, the main task in this case - do not delay the termination of menstruation, and the elimination of the causes of amenorrhea. As long as this problem is not solved, neither of which full recovery and can be no question.

 Olga Kocheva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: born Ambassador, abortion, diet, recovery, method, treatment method, cycle, therapy, the occurrence of amenorrhea