Why hurt the kidneys

Why hurt the kidneys
 Kidneys - a vital organ responsible for removing toxins and water from the body and cleansing the blood. Moreover, they are involved in the synthesis of hormones. Various factors may affect the kidneys and cause diseases that are accompanied by pain.
 Kidneys are located at the lower edges, thus pain is felt mostly in the area. It depends on the nature of the disease, the result of which it is.

A common cause of pain in the kidneys are infectious diseases such as pyelonephritis. Very often, the disease manifests itself during pregnancy, but may be, and chronic and occur when a weakened immunity. In the acute form of the disease, a strong pain in the lumbar region, fever, feeling of weakness, there may be nausea and vomiting. In this case, the patient requires hospitalization further treatment in the hospital. It is important to undertake a full course of treatment until complete disappearance of bacteria in the urine. Otherwise, the disease can become chronic, treatment and thus require much more effort and patience.

Another common cause of pain in the kidney stones can be. Their formation in the body can be caused by different factors, so the stones have several varieties: uric acid, phosphate, oxalate, and others. Pain occurs as a result of movement of stones and is sometimes unbearable. Depending on the size and nature of the stones doctor prescribes a treatment aimed at loosening deposits and termination of their growth, or decides on the need for surgery.

During treatment, the patient is prescribed a special diet, the type of which depends on the type of stones. For example, when uric acid stones is recommended lacto-vegetarian diet and the complete exclusion from the diet spicy and smoked foods, spices and alcohol. And with phosphate rocks is recommended to use products that increase the acidity of urine: fish, meat, sour apples, beans, cabbage. But the use of dairy products (cheese, cheese, yogurt), eggs and alcohol should be avoided. Choose a diet during treatment should a doctor.

Another cause of the pain can be kidney failure. It is a condition in which the kidneys are unable to fully perform their direct function - to form urine and remove it from the body. The cause of this disease may serve as medication, infectious diseases, poisoning by toxic substances. Renal failure may develop in chronic pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis. Symptoms of this disease can be a complete lack of urine or a small quantity.

There may be other, less common causes of pain in the kidneys. In any case, for their establishment should immediately see a doctor and get tested. Early treatment will help to avoid unpleasant and dangerous consequences.

Tags: pain, disease, symptom, the cause