What is cholesterol and what it eats?

What is cholesterol and what it eats?
 Cholesterol is written as scientific treatises and articles, that the problem of excess it should no longer be of science puzzles and leave the dark corners, but the topic is still open, and some issues remain unresolved. No one knows all the details thoroughly and features to combat this phenomenon. Just how great is the danger and how to fix the actual problem? After all, it is dangerous for a simple layman, leading a sedentary existence, and for the young athlete, let alone its something in the absence of activity can hardly be suspected. Topic requires detailed consideration.
 Cholesterol or as otherwise referred to as cholesterol, a fatty alcohol of natural origin. Our bodies can get it from food, as well as produces itself. Use as a building material for the cells in the human blood circulation. As fat, it does not dissolve in water and body converts these lipoproteins in certain protein shell of different density types. Formation of low density deposited on the walls of blood vessels and have the form of atherosclerotic plaques, and other vessels are cleaned from any kind of sediments and debris.

In his youth, the percentage of cholesterol successfully maintained at the required level and well regulated by the body. With the onset of old age and a slower pace of life in the recruitment of excess weight and indiscriminate power, the level of this product in the blood gradually rises and begins to pose a real threat to the body, and sometimes results in a disease called atherosclerosis. It is manifested in the appearance of pain and various organ dysfunction. Vessels clogged deposits by 75%.

And at the same time, the body can not survive without cholesterol. Its functions include:
 - Ability to maintain the structure of cells;
 - Formation of various important hormones;
 - Is required for the formation of bile, and without it the body can not eliminate toxins and all remaining after processing of products of digestion.

Lack of cholesterol can cause its own set of diseases such as hyperthyroidism and exhaustion. You just need a reasonable approach to quantitative and qualitative content of products that affect the content in the body of this component.

Cholesterol is a lot of eggs, in fatty sausages and meat products produced dairy industry. The norm in the day - 300 mg.

Which corresponds to: Milk - 1 liter of boiled chicken - 300 g, pork - 200 g, salami - 150 grams, beef liver - 50 g, 2 eggs. And this is not the simultaneous use of both, but something unique. We are. tend to consume 50% more.

However, there are also foods that can rid the body of excess cholesterol. It is a food rich in fiber and pectin (seeds, vegetables, berries, fruits). Vegetable oils in its natural form (as in the heat treatment lost medicinal properties of the product) differ choleretic properties, and also contribute to the rapid disposal of excess cholesterol.

 Author: Splinter

Tags: cholesterol