How to treat migraine folk remedies

How to treat migraine folk remedies
 Once the disease is considered a disease of great ladies, today suffers from migraine supposedly 30% of the total population. Those who are prone to migraine attacks, are well aware that drinking handfuls of various drugs often do not help to relieve this intense pain sometimes causes nausea and even vomiting. Maybe someone can help one of the folk remedies.
 Of course, if you already have the disease a chronic, cure it completely unlikely, but remove the periodic attacks of headache you can. In this case, it is worth trying a few recipes - because the one that helps one person may not work for another, and vice versa.

First of all, reconsider your lifestyle migraine in any case, do not expose the body strong emotional stress, it is necessary to sleep about 8 hours a day, more to be outdoors, to be able to relax, do not forget about physical activity (overwork but also not necessary - everything should be in moderation). Oddly enough, but some foods can also trigger an attack of the disease: Minimize consumption of coffee and caffeinated beverages, red wine, cheese, chocolate, sausage (it contains nitrites, which also provoke migraine).

In order to have as little as possible there are attacks, it is recommended to regularly take decoctions of herbs - lemon balm, oregano and peppermint. Gulf of grass with boiling water, let it brew broth, then add honey, take in the morning on an empty stomach. You can take turns each herb.

If the pain still caught you, try one of the following ways.

For example, many helps cabbage leaf applied to the affected side (more often - to the temples and forehead). Keep it takes about two hours.

You can also try to apply a bandage soaked in vinegar.

Some become easier after such a compress: you need to tie your head well heated towel whiskey while putting on one slice of lemon.

Sometimes the pain subsides, if you take a warm foot or hand bath or wash your hair with hot water.

One of the effective ways is also considered and potato juice. Fresh root rubbed on a grater, squeeze a quarter cup of juice and drink it - headache should go.

Pretty good and also helps peppermint oil, which during an attack to lubricate the whiskey.

And again, if you have the opportunity, during a migraine attack, it is desirable shuttered windows and try to sleep - in silence and semi-darkness.

Tags: means pain, migraine, headache, treatment, attack