How to remove tension

 During the day you have altered a lot to do and still something not yet. Barely stretched out on the bed, instead of blissful sleep, you are immersed in the analysis of the day and prepare for tomorrow's battle. And so, day after day. There is a growing concern and dissatisfaction, fear not cope with the situation, you are more depressed and lose energy. It will all end, no need to explain - the word stress is familiar even younger students. Women's magazine JustLady will try to help you cope with the situation, and we'll start with the main question - how to remove tension.

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Tension is often a starting point, some magnet that sticks to all the negative, as a result, begins depression and even internal medicine. The reasons for it can be varied. You do not have time to redo all cases at work or you have too many of them, you rude boss or near there a colleague who you are very annoying. Or maybe you're perfectly in time, with the whole deal, and at work, like, all right, but you're just so tired.

You start to get nervous, more unpleasant or unexpected events just added fuel to the fire, even a trifle that you previously could not notice the new situation is able to work as a detonator. The consequences can be terrible, and especially for you.

It all began with nervous tension, which you do not wait too long to handle.

How to remove tension

If emotions need to go right now, and you have the opportunity to be alone with you - do not hesitate to blow off steam. Yell as loud, throw something heavy, even break, will beat on the table (do not repel the hand). In general, do whatever you want, as long as it would bring you relief. Do not drive the anger inward.

If you are by nature a quiet man, and screaming and breaking dishes are not your method, try breathing exercises. A good nose and inhale sharply exhale, inhale only, inflating the abdomen rather than the chest. After a strong exhalation hold your breath as much as possible and then inhale. Do this 3 times, each time increasing the length of breath. This helps to relax and breathquickly remove tension.

Good results are given physical training a small pause. Sit in a chair and grab a seat. Strongly pull it up and keep the voltage at 5- 7 accounts.

Join hands in the castle, get behind your head and push them around your neck, resisting the movement body.

Sitting on the edge of his chair, hands-free, lower and lift your head up. Sit as 10 seconds. Then inhale and exhale, bending at the knees. Again inhale and exhale slowly straighten.

In general, physical activity - a very good method forrelieve nervous tension. If you have a busy working day, and at the end you always feel the emotional fatigue, join a gym or take a walk in the habit of quick steps to the house.

Very Wellrelieves tension water. It can be anything - monitoring fish in an aquarium, a trip to the sauna with friends or a regular swimming pool. The latter option is particularly good - and exercise and "communication" with the water at the same time.

If the cause of your condition was work, try to eliminate the factors that cause you to strain. Compose lists and plans for the day. In lists store the most important thing, not trying to do everything right now. Something by colleagues, if this is not possible - plan of the next day.

Do not take everything on yourself, look for assistants. This is not a shame - if you are physically unable to cope with the volume of work, attempts to only further worsen the situation - in a constant state of stress and fatigue, you soon will not even deal with the usual workload.

After suffering a stress definitely need a good rest. Sleep - the best remedyremove tension. In order to relax and go to sleep, take a hot bath, drink herbal tea with honey, light anti-anxiety drugs herbal (valerian, motherwort). Maybe you can help soothing melody or watching your favorite comedy.

How to remove tension

Very Wellrelieve tension a variety of entertainment and pleasure. Go to the store in a cafe with friends, visit the exhibition, yeah, just get out of the house "in the people." Socialize, cheer up. This method is especially good if you use it regularly, regardless of your status. Even if you are all well, at least once in two weeks of practice for the prevention of such outputs.

A good wayremove tension - Meditation. If you're familiar with this practice - excellent, "fly away into nirvana" at the first sign of irritation. If nothing like you can not do it, too, does not matter. Just lie down in a quiet room, relax, close your eyes and imagine something pleasant: the sea, the sun or the great mountain of money, and as you clamber over it - in short, anything that is able to give you a few pleasant minutes.

If you are constantly under stress, literally force yourself to eat. It is clear that in such a state before a meal. And yet it is absolutely necessary: ​​not getting enough of the necessary substances, your body tenses up, and thus, for its part, more nourishing your stress.

Yes, and the process of eating - a pleasant smell and delicious - quite capableremove tension. Just remember that this is done purely for therapeutic purposes, is no stranger to enjoy only on food intake, otherwise do harm to the figure.

Another fairly effective way to helpremove tension - Sex. Pleasure hormones that are released in the process, have a positive impact on the nervous system, relaxes spasms and muscle tension that inevitably come with long-term stress. This method is versatile and practically no side effects. So, if you can, be sure to use it.

And, of course, every person has left its own special method toremove tension. This can be a hike in any particular place or a ritual, communication with loved parrots or reading aloud poems Mandelstam. Do not hesitate, do it at the first signs of nervous tension. And, of course, if you feel that the situation has gone too far, and you do not deal with it, be sure to go to the doctor.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: stress symptoms, nervousness