How to correct nearsightedness

How to correct nearsightedness
 Myopia is a disease, which is a violation of visual function. This is reflected in the decrease in the ability to clearly see objects in the distance, so it is necessary to eliminate this disease.
 There are several basic methods of controlling myopia. This spectacle correction (wearing glasses only when necessary), wearing contact lenses, plastic cornea, lens and replacement of laser vision correction (operation mode). Depending on the severity of the disease using one method or another.

For example, the glasses are not able to fully restore visual acuity with a high degree of myopia. It is noted that the glasses or contact lenses do not restore vision, and it is adjusted only for a certain time. That is, after removing the lenses and glasses vision remains the same.

Laser surgery is the most effective way to restore vision in myopia. The effect is due to the fact that during operation changes the shape of the cornea.

Replacement lens (lensektomiya) is used to restore vision for a high degree of myopia or nearsightedness. Surgical intervention involves removal of the lens and replacing it with an artificial lens.

Keratoplasty or plastic cornea is able to recover a violation of visual function by changing the shape of the cornea. In the process of grafting of the graft takes its shape modeling.

The person with the visual impairment is recommended to include in the diet of carrots and blueberries because they contain nutrients beneficial impact on visual function. Also performed special exercises for the eyes, which reduces stress and improves focus look. For example, the most simple exercise is to switch the view to the object located near, on subjects that are far away (from the tip of the nose to the tree in the yard).

For the prevention of myopia observe the correct mode when visual work, in any case not to read in low light and in the supine position, systematically visual gymnastics.

Tags: function, short-sightedness, myopia