How does phlebectomy - way to remove varicose veins surgically

How does phlebectomy - way to remove varicose veins surgically
 Normalization of blood flow in the deep veins with varicose veins is possible only by removing the affected veins. An operation in which the procedure takes place is called phlebectomy. This technique is used in the world for a hundred years. Currently used in the operation of micro-punctures the skin over the varicose veins, the operation is carried out with minimal injury to the patient.

Conducting phlebectomy shown people suffering extensive varicose veins, acute thrombophlebitis varices, abnormal enlargement of the saphenous veins, varicose saphenous veins, accompanied by fatigue and swelling of the legs, varicose veins, accompanied by trophic ulcers. Also, this operation may be indicated in patients with obvious signs of violation of the outflow of blood: with swelling, heaviness and fatigue feet even in the absence of varicose superficial veins.

In preparation for the operation, it is necessary to take a shower and shave full leg, which will be subject to surgery. The skin on your feet should be completely healthy. If the operation is performed under general anesthesia, before it you will likely appoint cleansing enemas. Come on phlebectomy better in loose clothing and shoes. If you are taking any medication, or if you have an allergy or intolerance to drugs, especially iodine and novocaine, be sure to tell your doctor before the surgery.

The procedure to remove the veins last about 1-2 hours. On removal of normal blood flow does not affect the saphenous veins because flowing through them is not more than 10% of the blood, the remaining 90% is transferred deep venous connecting leg veins, thus, removing the saphenous veins connecting without problems take over all circulation. In identifying improperly working valves of veins, the valves used extravasal correction to restore normal blood flow. Scars after surgery, the size of only 4-5 mm.

Doctors' recommendations on the post-operative period for each patient their own, depending on age, degree of varicose veins, chronic diseases and so on. Cranking up and turn advise the first hours after phlebectomy, improve venous blood flow will help uplift the end of the bed at 8-10 cm. Ligation of both legs made the next day after the operation, after it is possible to begin to walk. Sutures are removed 8-9 days after phlebectomy, and then prescribe a course of spa treatments and massage therapy. For 1, 5-2 months after surgery the patient is recommended to use the clock support stockings or bandages. Also appointed venous preparations for restoration of function operated leg.

There are a number of complications after surgery. During the first day may be a slight bleeding from wounds, bruises, passing through 7-10 days. Thrombosis of deep veins of the legs can lead to thromboembolism. Thrombosis may cause long bed rest, the infection in the wound, slowing blood flow. Recurrence of varicose veins can not be excluded, since removed only varices and patients vein.

Contraindication for phlebectomy are: the second half of pregnancy, elderly patients with advanced disease, severe infectious diseases, hypertension and coronary heart disease, inflammation of the legs (erysipelas, pyoderma, eczema, etc.).

Tags: varices, deletion, extension, Vienna, treatment, method, operation, contraindications, blood flow, phlebectomy