Gastric balloon

 Many people justify their overweight genetic predisposition, the constitution of the body and phrases such as "a good man should be a lot." In fact, obesity can be caused by endocrine or hormonal disorders, stress, but the basis is almost always - overeating. And sometimes recruited to cope with kilograms only with the help of a surgeon.

In the category Fashion: Victoria Beckham (Picture)

The habit of eating one or two times a day leads to the fact that a person tries to eat the future and loads an eating more than you need.

Our stomach is equipped with a receptor saturation, but they work much slower than the rate at which we are bombarded with a meal. And when they finally will give the signal to the brain that there is already enough, the stomach is crowded, its walls stretched.

This means that the next time to reach satiety is possible only with the help of more eaten.

What happens next - known. Man gets fat begins to resort to diets, pills and other conservative methods of treating obesity, only to return a normal weight.

Someone turns, but the majority live on the swing, then lose weight, then gain weight, and every time a greater number of pounds. As a result, there comes a time when cope with excess weight becomes impossible.

Doctors determine this threshold by body mass index (weight (kg) / height x height (m)). If the index is 40 or more at a rate of 20-25, doctors have the right to offer patients surgery to reduce stomach volume.

This is the surest way to reduce appetite. But suturing the stomach through an incision in the abdominal wall - too traumatic and unsafe method which is justified only in serious diseases. Today, doctors have come up with ingenious and more affordable sparing methods.

First - itinstallation of intragastric balloon. Man naturally (ingestion) is introduced into the stomach something like deflated silicone ball which is then filled with liquid and takes up more space in the stomach. The procedure is similar to gastrokopiyu and for the sake of it is not necessary to go to the hospital.

However, for the first time will have to suffer. There may be a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, so that the reception and antispasmodic drugs, normalizing intestinal motility can not be avoided. But after 3-5 months, when a person gets used to eat slowly, gradually and will start to lose weight, the ball is removed from the stomach.

The second way to reduce the volume of the stomach -silicone bandWhich is superimposed on top of the body. As a result, the stomach becomes like an hourglass. And when the upper part is filled with food, receptors signal that all filled, we feel satiety, and food through a narrow opening slowly seeps into the lower part of the stomach and digest it.

The imposition of a band laparoscopically performed, ie through a small puncture under the control of a miniature video camera. For six months, patients lose up to 30% by weight, and if the degree of obesity was originally large, the weight loss continues in the future.

However, rely only on silicone, which is in your stomach or surrounds it, is not necessary. The purpose of these techniques - to facilitate the transition to a rational person diet. If you continue to push food through a "can not" and thus sit in the office, at home, in the car without movement, stretch and the upper part of the stomach, and the pounds come back.

So do not blame genetics, which are responsible only for what is on the ground you will be deposited fat reserves - at the hips, abdomen, buttocks, or across the body immediately.

Yulia Mishina

Tags: balloon