Diabetes in children: signs and symptoms of diabetes in children, treatment

 Unfortunately, diabetes - a disease not only of adults obese people, she exposed and children. Women's magazine JustLady talk about the features of the disease in children and its treatment. Children and adolescents generally susceptible diabetes I-type, insulin-dependent form. Leading role in the appearance of the disease plays a genetic predisposition, but you can often find an example of when the disease is the result of stress. The child suffered greatly or something scared - if emotions were strong enough, can develop the disease.

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The reason may be in another - an infectious disease, the result of complications of childhood illnesses (eg, chickenpox), bounce and others. If a family has a sickdiabetes, It is logical to take some preventive measures against the child. Although it is considered that special preventive measures against diabetes type I-no, it's worth to take advantage of general guidelines forPrevention of diabetes mellitus in children:

- Eliminate overeating
- To limit the use of flour products
- To control consumption of sugar
- Exercise
- Prevention of colds

Symptoms and signs of diabetes mellitus in children

Symptoms and signs of diabetes mellitus in children appear quite rapidly: thirst, fatigue, frequent urination. The child asks to drink at night, and he eats a lot of appetite, but obviously losing weight.

If you suspect thatchild develops diabetesYou can try a simple research on their own. For example, the amount of water that gets drinks and liquid food the child, as well as displays, for the health of schoolchildren should be about one and a half liters. If you have a score higher than normal, and urine sticky to the touch - it's time to see a doctor.

The fact that the I-diabetes type differ in that the patient always need insulin injections without which it may perish rapidly. Prescribe the drug can only be a doctor.

Onecomplications of diabetes This type of severe weight loss is as impaired lipid metabolism, which often becomes a cause of diabetic coma. When lack of control can occur poisoning products of fat breakdown, impaired consciousness, fainting.

Sometimessigns and symptoms of diabetes in children not so clearly manifested. For example, the child suffers from rashes on the skin (pustular character) or has an inflammation of the gums, the external genitalia - this can also be a sign that the baby is sick.

Treatment of diabetes in children

Diabetes in children requires the same careful observation and treatment, as in adults. In the first place, is the observance of proper diet, which prescribes a doctor. The child will have to eat more than usual, to refuse or limit the intake of unauthorized products. There is a lot of envy from their parents. If the whole family will follow the same rules, the baby will not be so hard to bear his illness.

Physical activity is as necessary a part oftreatment of diabetes mellitus in children. In the course of employment in children improves the ability to absorb sugar and keep normal blood levels. As a consequence, the dose of insulin can be decreased. However, the level of blood sugar in diabetes type I-very unstable. This is a must to know the parents to schedule a specific time and intensity of training.

From physical education at schoolchildren with diabetes free, not because they can not move and play, but because they are not able to properly assess their condition, especially in the game. Parents need to understand that. So it is necessary to deal with, but exactly calculated time and under adult supervision.

Diabetes in children: signs and symptoms of diabetes in children, treatment

Thus it is necessary to monitor and care that protect the child from infectious diseases which may aggravate the disease. Incidentally, frequent colds can also be a symptom of diabetes.

Totreatment of diabetes mellitus in childrenExcept insulin, doctors sometimes prescribed drugs that regulate fat metabolism, if necessary.

As already mentioned, diabetes - a disease which becomes the culprit pancreas (which it produces insulin). Today, scientists have extensively studied the possibility of transplanting cells, which are responsible for the production of the hormone insulin. Work is underway on the development and implantation of an artificial body of the pancreas.

However, prior to the introduction of these treatments in practice is far from widespread. Therefore it is necessary to ensurechild diabetes patients maximum comfort and vigilant control.

And psychologists recommend to do it unobtrusively, without emphasizing the undue attention to each procedure and ban without causing the child to violations by example (eating in front of him something banned). But the child clearly knew what he was in some way special and it needs to follow the simple rules that would like to live a full life.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: sugar, diabetes, adolescent, adult, illness, medication use, a child, a symptom, a sign