Why swollen breasts

Why swollen breasts
 The female breast has a feature to swell and become overly sensitive. Sometimes, to the extent that one can not simply touch. The reasons for this may be a few, but most of all due to changes in hormonal background of women.
 Not all women's bodies react the same way. Sometimes, all processes are imperceptible. But one of the most common causes of swelling of the breast is menstruating. About a week swollen breasts become heavy, and sometimes a pain. In 80% it indicates the presence of a woman diffuse mastitis associated with hormonal imbalance.

Failure hormonal levels may occur even due to chronic fatigue, stress, lack of sexuality, abortion. With the onset of menstruation breasts bounces back discomfort disappear. Typically, such a mild form of mastitis women are not afraid, but if the symptoms do not disappear, there is a strong pain and discharge from the nipples, be sure to consult a doctor. Because it may be symptoms of serious diseases, such as inflammation of the appendages, problems with the thyroid gland, liver, gall bladder.

Another reason may be pregnant. Sometimes breast swelling as one of the first signs of it. The female body begins to prepare for the emergence of the baby and breastfeeding. The most unpleasant sensations are possible in the first trimester and in the first days after birth. After the end of lactation, everything comes back to normal.

Often cause swelling of the breasts can be water retention in the body. Excessive love of coffee, strong tea, salty and fatty foods leads to stagnation of fluids.

Even properly fitted bra can lead to disruption of blood circulation in the mammary glands. Therefore, choose a convenient, do not hold down movement underwear, without rough spots and hard seed.

Breast tenderness may be the result of medication, including hormonal contraceptives. If you notice such a link, contact your doctor. Maybe he will change the medication or prescribe diuretics. If discomfort persists for a long time, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist and mammalogy. Probably it is a symptom of a disease. Necessary to exclude gynecological inflammation and lump in the breast.

Tags: breast, milk, cause crashes, swelling