Treating depression folk remedies

Treating depression folk remedies
 Did you know that depression - is not only chronic fatigue, causeless crying and irritability, which prevents adequate view of things and leads to somatic disorders? Depression, above all, this loss of interest in his own life, to its pleasures and colors. Many familiar condition when you want to hide from everyone to take refuge with his head with a blanket and do not respond to external stimuli. Young children in difficult situations flee for help to the parents, and we, adults, and self-sufficient people, take their mood into their own hands and try to get rid of negative emotions, using funds from depression, which offers women's magazine JustLady.

Illness or fatigue?

The World Health Organization issued a disappointing forecast that by 2015, depression is a disease, will be released in the first place, surpassing oncology and cardiovascular disorders. What is the reason for such a triumphant advance to leading positions? There may be many: the accelerated pace of life dictates its own requirements for the daily routine, taking care of their careers, chronic fatigue and problems in interpersonal relationships.

If the depression is not associated with pathological disorders, it is quite possible to win,treatment of depression folk remedies always has an excellent effect such cases. Just for starters, you must understand the underlying causes of your health. If irritability associated with elementary fatigue and back-breaking load of responsibilities that you have charged themselves selflessly,for depression will be simple: to shift a part of professional concerns to colleagues around the house, ask for help from members of the household. Try to get enough sleep and find pluses in small everyday pleasures: a sunny day, a child smile and a kind word lover.

Treating depression folk remedies

Signs of depressive states:

• depression, bleak mood
• obsessive thinking about the same problems, inability to take a definite decision
• loss of life goals and interests
• constant feeling of physical fatigue
• causeless irritability
• loss of appetite / overeating
• drowsiness / insomnia
• lack of libido (sexual interest)
• somatic manifestations (pressure, palpitations, abdominal pain, and joint pain)
• impaired memory and constant attention dispersal
• craving for alcohol

If you find at least three of the above symptoms, then you have depression. But do not go to expensive clinics will help you finetreatment of depression folk remedies. First of all, calm down and take the time to put yourself incurable diagnosis. Depression affects 10% of the population older than 40 years, and many famous people she has expressed severe: Ludwig van Beethoven, Vincent Van Gogh, Amadeus Mozart, Winston Churchill - these are just a few examples. Depression is not prevented them famous throughout the world, maybe it's a necessary condition for the creation of a masterpiece?

Eat to your health!

Let us look at physiological causes of depression. Lack of folic acid and vitamin B6, which can be caused by psychological stress and excessive intake of certain drugs leads to a lack of serotonin in the body - the hormone responsible for good mood. Lack of vitamin C and iron as well provokes depression.

Treating depression folk remediesThat do not require admission of drugs, starting with a balanced diet. Vegetables and fruits should be present in the diet, they are rich in vitamins and fiber. Iron products - liver, beef, beets and pomegranates, save you from anemia, and as a consequence, the physical weakness. Bananas, strawberries and chocolate - essential products to lift the mood, contain the hormone serotonin pleasure.
Funds from depression include herbal infusions and decoctions:

1. Broth mint with chamomile - tones and relieves tension;
2. Decoction of oats with honey - rich in iron, glucose;
3. A decoction of valerian - soothes, normalizes the heartbeat;
4. The broth Hypericum and oregano - contains vitamin C, relieves stomach cramps.

Alcohol tinctures sold as a finished product at the pharmacy, they need to take in these proportions. Tincture devil relieves nervous excitement, Eleutherococcus tincture - nervous depression and neurasthenia, motherwort tincture - soothes and helps with headaches.

Sleep with all the amenities

An important factor in the treatment of depression is a normal sleep. During sleep, the body includes recovery features updated cells, and tired of the day the brain interprets and processes the information. Therefore, so it is important to allocate sufficient time for sleep. It is believed that good sleep requires 7-9 hours, depending on individual circumstances. Go to bed at the same time, before going to bed, ventilate the room. At night you can drink warm milk with honey - it relaxes the body and helps you fall asleep faster. Excellentfor depression and insomnia - fragrant sachet pillows, which can be put next to the headboard. Fill a pillow can be different herbs: chamomile, mint, oregano.

Treating depression folk remedies

Love yourself

And the main condition - love yourself and forgive yourself little oversight, which are for each person.Treating depression folk remedies help restore the physiological functions of the body, and to restore the normal psychological state women's magazine JustLady advises adhere to the following rules:

• Make a schedule, it will help to organize their productive activities
• Exercise, visit the pool
• more likely to communicate with loved ones and friends
• does not submit to his excessive demands
• Do not be afraid of failure, not mistaken only one who does nothing
• Do not forget to pamper yourself, a piece of delicious cake and relaxation in a warm bath with fragrant foam reminded that our life is full of pleasant moments.

 Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: depression, treatment, irritability, tearfulness