Thrush in Women: Symptoms, treatment of thrush

Thrush in Women: Symptoms, treatment of thrush
 Here you are right, of course - television advertising often stretching the truth. And you and I agree on this, most women's magazine readers JustLady. But, oddly enough, in the case of thrush, commercials fully reflect reality. This problem can be a real headache, eclipsing even a broken heel on your favorite shoes and the upcoming trip to the city Verkhnevilyuisk.

Even if nothing like you have not seen, you may want to learn something about the disease. And if the problem already exists, perhaps you will find here are some tips that will ease your situation.
The first thing you need to understand what candidiasis (or "thrush") and what is the cause of the disease.

In healthy humans yeast fungus Candida albicans is a natural part of the intestinal microflora and the vagina in women. But it becomes unpleasant disease agent.

 Infection can trigger antibiotics, hormones and birth control pills, pregnancy, douching with the addition of chemicals.Candidiasis You can also pick up from a partner (if it already suffers from).

Small scratches on the walls of the vagina by the use of different tampons or from a lack of natural lubrication during intercourse can also be the cause of infection.

One of the most unpleasant facts - something that has caught one, a woman may suffer fromthrush many years. Failure to comply with the rules of hygiene or susceptibility to yeast infection disease tends to return.

Thrush in Women: Symptoms, treatment of thrush

Symptoms of thrush

Main symptomsthrush - The constant itching and discharge with odor. That's why most women begin to be treated in all ways, which only comes into their head.

Not to do so in any case. Firstly, at the slightest suspicion better to see a doctor - he will appoint an adequatetreatment of thrush. Second, look at the list of what to do is not recommended.

Constant burning, and even in such remote places, makes you look for tools that could get rid of these feelings. The first comes to mind douching.
Experts recommend to abandon this method at all, because the chemicals will inevitably violate the vaginal flora.

If you are still sure that you need it, use cool boiled water or a vinegar solution. To make it, you'll need a pint of water and 4 tablespoons of vinegar.
To reduce the itching and burning, you can use special preparations only do it after the visit. Special ointments can distort the picture of the disease. If the diagnosis has been made, you can use Genferon or nystatin ointment. Although, the doctor probably will recommend you something suitable.

At the time of the disease discreetly give up sex acts. If you infect a partner candidiasis, it is likely that he will pass the infection back. But if you still persists, use a condom (odorless and additional lubrication) and strictly observe the rules of hygiene.

1. Properly vymoysya before intercourse, and it is desirable not to use soap or gel. Simply rinse thoroughly with cool water genitals with a flexible hose. The same should be done and your partner.

2. The same procedure should be done at the end. And doctors recommend both partners is required to urinate - it cleans the urethra and prevent the ingress of infection in the urinary tract.

Even if you are completely healthy, it is best not to use chemical lubricants and oils containing perfume additives. Perfect replacement these funds can serve as egg white, or petrolatum. Last not use a condom - may form holes and then added to the basic problem unwanted pregnancy.

Sanitary pads and tampons better to choose an odorless. On the shelves you can find colorful rolls of toilet paper soaked in a perfume - for you will only fit white, without any additives.

Of course, you love beautiful, fashionable clothes. Synthetic panties all colors and styles occupy an entire shelf in your closet. News for you is disappointing, but you have to give up these adorable your heart gizmos.

Yeast fungus multiplies perfectly in a warm and moist environment. Synthetic underwear bad breathable, which means that such panties will be a real incubator for growth. Accept the inevitable and buy simple cotton panties, pants, even desirable - they have more free-form and excellent breathability.

Prevent the penetration of air and synthetic pads and tampons. The latter at the time of the disease is generally better to give or to use them only during the day. As is the case with the laundry uses a means of natural cotton.

Dry, cool and constant ventilation will help kill bacteria malicious. This does not mean that you have to go without clothes in the winter. But still try to wear a smaller clothes. Panties, pantyhose and tights under jeans - it's overkill.

We must dwell on the laundry. Studies have shown that the yeast fungus survives well after washing and drying. Therefore, before washing separately put forth a good underwear, especially in the crotch area. For extra insurance, and use the boiling iron panties after drying with a hot iron.

At night better undressed completely to the long-suffering part of your body to breathe.
Closely watch what you eat. Products containing yeast may enhance fungal growth and also cause food allergy. For you are dangerous in this regard, mushrooms, bread and sweet pastries, cheese (especially with mold), and alcoholic fruit drinks, pickles and marinades, milk. If you are sick, it is better totally abstain from these products. In the future, simply follow their quantity.

Do not use antifungal drugs, contraceptives and detergents without first talking to your doctor. But the recipes of traditional medicine can be used freely.

Thrush. Treatment of folk remedies

1. Prepare a collection of 4 tablespoons sage, 4 tablespoons juniper and one tablespoon yarrow. Pour a teaspoon of the collection cup boiling water and let stand 15 minutes. Strain through cheesecloth infusion, wring well and take it three times a day for half a glass. The same infusion is a good remedy for irrigation (no chemicals!).

2. For cleaning the can prepare a decoction. Mix 3 tbsp. l. oak bark, 1 tbsp. l. Lavender, 2 tbsp. l. Nettle root, 1.5 st. l. grass succession. One tablespoon of the collection zaley 150 ml of boiling water and let it brew for two hours. After this infusion of strain through cheesecloth, wring out and add another 150 ml of water.

3. A good way to calm the itching are baths. For these purposes, do not need to fill the tank with water completely, it is enough to plunge into it to the hips. You will approach salty and sour bath. For the first half a cup of water, add in salt, and the second the same amount of vinegar (not essences!) Sit down and spread your knees bath. Need to sit until cool water.

4. Tray of 1 tbsp. l. Calendula tincture diluted in a glass of boiled water, will also have a beneficial effect. They should be done once a day for 15 minutes.

Once again I want to focus your attention on the need to help the doctor. Iftreat candidiasis incorrectly or not treated at all, you can earn a chronic infection. Alsothrush dangerous due to adhesion which may occur as a result of mucosal inflammation influenced unhealthy vaginal microflora.

Onlytreatment of thrushPrescribed by a doctor and compliance with all rules will help you get rid of this disease.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Related Links:
How to treat a yeast infection, cure for yeast infection, thrush candles
Treatment of thrush folk remedies, traditional recipes from yeast

Tags: body, Ambassador, candle, fungus, candida, thrush, yeast, disease impact, treatment, medication, symptom, sign, lubrication, shaving, Genferon, vagilak