Rosacea - problem solved?

Rosacea - problem solved?
 Rosacea - is poor circulation in the skin. He appears on the face in the form of clusters of dilated capillaries resembling spider veins. The emergence of this trouble prone people with sensitive and thin skin. Rosacea usually localized on the cheeks and around the nose can sometimes occur on the forehead or chin.

The causes of rosacea

Rosacea may occur due to the increased sensitivity of the skin, chronic diseases of internal organs, due to abuse addictions, due to being on a hard frost or in the sun, and if you have weak blood vessels.

How to prevent its occurrence?

If you have a predisposition to kuperozu, you can prevent its occurrence. To do this, you need to follow some simple guidelines.

Carefully choose cosmetics. Do not use substances such as alcohol and drugs, dries the skin. Avoid exfoliating agent with coarse Chastikov. Your face needs soft and gentle care. Use the tools for sensitive skin with green tea, grape seed oil, blueberry extract and other substances, as well as antikuperznye drugs, strengthens blood vessels. Constantly moisturize skin. Do not wash with hot water. Your skin needs water and cool contrast shower. It is useful to wipe the skin with ice cubes. Being in the sun, use a sunscreen with a high degree of protection. Winter use a nourishing cream.

Watch out for food. You contraindicated hot, hot and spicy food, as well as a large amount of chocolate and citrus. Do not eat spirits and reduce the consumption of coffee. Include in the diet foods rich in vitamin C. This sauerkraut, red and black currants, red pepper, infusion of rose, green tea. Take your vitamins E, C, P, K, and drugs that strengthen blood vessels.

Avoid power sports. Refrain from visiting the baths, sauna and solarium. She likes swimming, hiking. Do exercises for the face.

Salon Skin Care

Regular visits to the beauty salon will benefit your skin. Special care will help you get rid of rosacea, without resorting to medical practices.

Deep cleansing
Will suit enzyme peeling, including papain and bromelain, which loosens the skin and provides deep penetration of subsequent products. Help reduce inflammation of the skin steam irrigation procedure with an extract of sage and lavender.

Skin nutrition
This procedure consists in applying to the skin preparations containing active ingredients. This vitamins, moisturizing oils and multivitamin complexes.

The program includes treatment mask, nourishing and soothing the skin. Also, for the treatment of rosacea using masks or sheets of collagen.

Medical methods

There are various medications remedies rosacea. They are chosen dermatologist depending on the condition of your skin.

Electrocoagulation is the most common method of getting rid of the trouble. He is cauterization of broken blood vessels hair electrode. However, this method has one drawback - in the area of ​​cauterization may be formed pinpoint scars.

Laser therapy copes with deep forms of the disease. But in this case, you are not insured by the appearance of scars.

Ozone therapy - an injection under the skin of ozone-ksilorodnoy mixture. This is a more gentle procedure, after which the skin leaving no defects.

The method of skin rejuvenation is the impact on the problem areas of pulsed light. This method not only eliminates the couperose, but also eliminates the dark spots, enlarged pores, and other skin blemishes.

Tags: problem, the method of deliverance, rosacea