Rosacea: causes and ways to combat

Rosacea: causes and ways to combat
 Externally, rosacea appears as an unnatural redness around the nose, cheeks, forehead sometimes. He is a consequence of circulatory disturbances and the resulting stagnation of blood in the capillaries located in the upper layers of the skin. Some time after the redness show through these capillaries, creating Spider veins on the face.
 The cause of rosacea may be a genetic predisposition. If your family such cases happen, try to avoid exposure to adverse factors that can disrupt blood flow in the capillaries and cause venous congestion.

For skin susceptible to couperose, dangerous extreme temperatures. You should avoid a contrast shower, not bathe in the cold pool, leaving the bath or sauna. Eliminate from your menu spicy and hot food. Alcohol and smoking are particularly harmful to those who have problems with capillary blood supply. Smoking negatively affects the functioning of the circulatory system, and alcohol has a vasodilatory effect.

The cause of rosacea can be prolonged exposure to the sun, the constant use of coffee or chocolate, increase blood circulation. Stressful conditions can also lead to the appearance of spider veins on the face and other parts of the body.

You are free to take care of skin prone to couperose, or attend to that end beauty salons. But if vascular mesh still appear on your face, then without the intervention of specialists to get rid of it will not succeed. The main part of cosmetic preparations in the application has only a symptomatic effect, reducing the visible signs of the disease, but not its cause.

In that case, when the symptoms quite pronounced, it is necessary to use modern methods of treatment aimed at eradicating the disease. They allow you to work on the expansion of capillaries so that it is completely destroyed. This is done without blood disorders in the upper layers of the skin, as backup capillary vessels take on the additional burden.

When correcting for the treatment of vascular rosacea using electrocoagulation method, photographic and laser therapy, ozone therapy. Electrocoagulation good for small uchaske skin affected by rosacea. With a strong degree of severity of the disease often recommend photographic and laser therapy. However, ozone is a very effective, after which there is scarring and pigmentation, in contrast to the above methods.

Tags: way, the reason mesh, rosacea