Removal of vascular network on the face

Removal of vascular network on the face
 Spider veins on the face, like a spider's web, covering the nose and cheeks - a manifestation of rosacea. Rosacea does not bring harm, but spoils the appearance. Therefore, if you notice on your face the first spider veins, to take urgent measures.

Do not think that the vascular net on the face can only occur in a certain maturity. Even young girl can suffer from this problem.

The causes of spider veins on the face can be very different. Some of them - poor circulation in the surface layers of the epidermis, malfunction of the endocrine system, diseases of the stomach and intestines, liver malfunction.

A person can be covered with Spider veins due to sudden changes in temperature, exposure to UV rays on the skin, adverse weather conditions. Often, women who suffer frequent stress or excitement, notice spider veins on the skin and long-lasting glow. If time does not take action and strengthen blood vessels on the face, rosacea can be spread even to the chest area.

But do not panic, because rosacea - a violation of circulation, it does not adversely affect your health in general.

If you have just seen on the face of the first signs of Coopers avoid a while strong physical activity, good enough sleep and try not to be nervous. From food useful to exclude the following products: citrus fruits, tomatoes, yogurt, cheese, chocolate, strong coffee and tea, alcohol. Eat less salty, spicy and smoked.

To reduce the appearance of rosacea, you need to wash with warm water. Should not be cleaned skin products containing alcohol. Temporarily not use scrubs, and wipe the face with a soft towel.

For skin care with weak blood vessels, there are special cosmetic series, which reduce symptoms of rosacea.

To combat rosacea can take vitamins P, K, C, which are fortifying the walls of blood vessels weak. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe deramtolog Ascorutinum taking the drug, which also strengthens blood vessels.

If you have lost all hope and can not remove yourself from the face of vascular network, you can seek help from a beautician. The procedure for skin rejuvenation and destroys discolor dilated capillaries. It usually takes several courses photorejuvenation, consisting of 3-5 procedures.

Tags: face, fashion, delete, mesh, fight, mesh, rosacea