Inhalation at home

Inhalation at home
 Colds, which are particularly frequent in the autumn-winter period, deliver a lot of trouble to anyone. Headache, cough, runny nose - these symptoms are familiar to anyone today and female site JustLady will talk about how you can alleviate their condition, making inhalation at home.

Inhalation, as such, is of two kinds. Natural inhalation occurs in nature, in the woods, in the mountains or at the seaside. You breathe clean air, saturated with useful substances to the body, they are by inhalation into the lungs, the blood is saturated and favorable effect on your health. Natural inhalation has restorative value, is widely used in the prevention of respiratory diseases.

Artificial inhalation involves the use of special apparatus with which drugs are administered in the human body. Such a method is considered to be physiological, it does not injure the integrity of tissues and has a rapid effect on the sick person. Devices for inhalation are easy to use and allowinhalation at home, Which is easier to treat.

Inhalation at home

If your home does not have special devices for inhalation use proven folk ways. The first option involves the use of a conventional kettle instead of an inhaler. Roll the tube of paper, put it on the narrow end of the spout, and breathe through a wide therapeutic pairs. As the therapeutic agents can be used various herbs.

If you suffer a cough, perfect forinhalation at home the following recipe. Put the kettle linden blossom, nettle, sage and eucalyptus for 1 h. L. and pour boiling water. Let sit for 10 minutes and inhale the broth for 10-15 minutes.Inhalation by coughing with difficult sputum may be slightly different. Put the kettle 3 tbsp. l. baking soda, fill it with hot water. Breathe this solution for 10 minutes. Soda inhalation great phlegm and help her removal from the bronchi.

Excellent therapeutic agent for colds is inhalation at home with the use of needles of pine, larch and spruce. The needles of these trees contain volatile and biologically active substances that have anti-inflammatory and tissue saturated with vitamins. Before using needles for inhalation, fill it with cold water and let it brew day. Then bring the solution to a boil and carry out the procedure. Softwoodinhalation helpcoughing, runny noseChronic diseases and bronchial airways.

Toinhalation at home There is another option. Inhale Therapeutic couples can not through the kettle, and leaning over the saucepan. Boil the potatoes in their jackets, drain. Lower the head over the pot and breathe steam potatoes. For greater efficiency can be covered with a blanket or a large woolen scarf.

Instead of potato can use other ingredients.Inhalation at a cold involves the use of grated onion and garlic, 1 hr. l. mixture per liter of water. Can be added to water or iodine five drops of ammonia and inhale the mixture for 10 minutes.

For the treatment of rhinitis or sinusitis is running, you can use ready-made 30% propolis tincture. Pour in boiling water infusion, half a teaspoon to half a liter of water. Lean over the pot, cover your head and breathe over the steam for 10-15 minutes. Propolis relieves swelling of the larynx and nasopharynx, has anesthetic action.

Inhalation at home is not only steam but also cold. In the room where the patient, arrange saucers with chopped garlic and onion. Volatile and essential oils secreted by these natural antiseptics, decontaminate the air and beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of the nose, throat and bronchial tubes. Coldinhalation at home perfect radish. Rub one root and put it in the bank. Several times a day over the bank breathe a little delaying exhalation.

Inhalation at home

Inhalation at home requires adherence to certain rules:

• Clothing should not hamper breathing or push;
• The patient should be calm, set up the procedure;
• Eating is possible not later than 1, 5 hours prior to inhalation;
Inhalation at a cold should be carried out without stress, you must breathe through the nose;
Inhalation by coughing require holding your breath after inhalation for 2 sec .;
• After inhalation, it is desirable to soak for 30-40 minutes. and do not strain your neck.

Inhalation at home contraindicated in patients with lung and heart failure and high blood pressure. They should not be inhaled at a temperature and epistaxis.

Making inhalation child follow some rules:

1. Conduct inhalation children can be from 2 years of age, only after permission of the attending physician and supervised by an adult.
2. Start inhalation after 10 minutes. after boiling water, its duration should be no more than 5 minutes.
3. The children may be intolerant to certain drugs used for inhalation at homeTake this into consideration.

For the prevention of viral diseases may use another typeinhalation at home. Put in the room where you spend most of the time, open a bottle of oil of basil or eucalyptus - it will help to resist germs and viruses.

 Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: runny nose, cough, inhaler device, inhalation, soda, treatment