How to withdraw bilirubin

How to withdraw bilirubin
 Bilirubin is purged hemoglobin breakdown is yellow-red color and in the blood and bile. After the breakdown of hemoglobin formed direct bilirubin, a toxic substance that is converted in the liver cells (bound) with the other components and as such a part of bile into the intestine.  
 Immediate causes of elevated bilirubin in the blood 3: accelerated disintegration of erythrocytes, the violation of its direct binding fraction and hindered the flow of bile.

 In anemia, especially hemolytic, bilirubin is increased in an accelerated decay of blood cells - red blood cells. This raises the yellowness of the skin and sclera. With this increase in direct bilirubin pathology of blood is only a symptom, individual treatment is needed. Removal of pigment from the blood contribute to good nutrition and vitamin therapy.

 Excretion of bilirubin from the blood hemolytic anemia spend only if diagnosed newborn. In this situation, there is a pronounced toxic effects of bilirubin in the central nervous system of babies. Spend hyperbaric oxygenation, phototherapy, infusion therapy to reduce toxicity and liver enzyme inducers used.

 Increased direct bilirubin in adults observed in various lesions of the liver, the most common hepatitis. It can be infectious nature (viruses B, C, A, D, E) or toxic origin due to the use of drugs or alcohol exposure. Regardless of the form, the increased direct bilirubin is inconsistency hepatocytes bind it to plasma proteins, forming an indirect form.

 Treatment of the cause symptomatic, the primary impact is aimed at eliminating the causes of liver damage. If the numbers of direct bilirubin levels are high, there is its toxic effects on the brain (mental confusion, disorientation). In this case, infusion therapy is performed to reduce the concentration of pigment in the blood. If the disease is relatively mild, with a decreased bilirubin in the blood is a balanced diet and getting enough sleep. Patients prescribe bed rest and limit emotional stress.

 When violations of the outflow of bile in the blood level of bilirubin. This material is non-toxic, special methods for its removal is not required. Its concentration returns to normal when the normal flow of bile is restored by biliary pathways. Accelerate this process contributes to a special diet with restriction of acute and fried foods, as well as the exclusion of alcohol. Elimination of stagnation of bile, as well as dependent upon elevated bilirubin levels, promotes the use of choleretic drugs, preferably - vegetable origin.

Tags: blood, increased bilirubin, drinking, drug, cause the excretion