Lubricate the neck ointment with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. You should advise her doctor. If he did not, then buy "Diclofenac", "Hondroksid" or something like that. Helps get rid of bad chondrosis and turpentine. Rub his neck 4 times a day to improve the general condition.
When severe pain save ordinary mustard. Dampen a yellow card in warm water and apply on the neck for 10 minutes. If you do not have sensitive skin, then wrap the scarf on top. Then wipe the neck with a towel and apply warming ointment.
Take medications that contain calcium. Also eat well. In your daily diet should include dairy products and meat, because they trigger the production of collagen and restore bone lesions.
Every day, take a bath with a high content of sea salt. Nutrients will penetrate into the blood, which has a positive effect on the entire skeletal system. In the filled bath, add 1 kg of sea salt, preferably flavored needles. Gradually, you will forget that you had chondrosis. When the pain in the cervical spine has passed, take a bath with sea salt several times a week.
If the pain does not take place in a few weeks, talk to your doctor about the advisability of novocaine blockades and a course of physiotherapy. In some cases require hospitalization. When properly chosen therapy can relieve pain for a few days, but it is necessary to remove the inflammatory process.