How to treat a blister on toe

How to treat a blister on toe
 Corns on the toes due to appear wearing new, stiff or uncomfortable shoes are not suitable for your size. It can be soft corn, under the skin layer when accumulated liquid or solid, dry, with a deep core.
 If you have a corn, then changing his shoes - wear soft slippers that will not injure a sore thumb. Soft watery blisters can not be pierced, as you can easily carry infection and cause severe inflammation of tissues. Such corn should be liberally lubricated with solutions containing alcohol - iodine, a strong solution of potassium permanganate, brilliant green, propolis tincture, rubbing alcohol, etc. Apply the medication on a cotton swab and gently wipe the corn and the skin around it.

Dry corn stem should be carefully loosen and remove. To soften the skin do warm steamed bath - in hot water, add a little planed soap, salt and baking soda, you can replace these ingredients pine extract or mustard powder. Keep your feet in the water for at least 20 minutes, if necessary, pouring hot water - then wipe the feet and scrape the corn with a pumice stone.

Chronic calluses have to steam special compresses - tie overnight lemon rind together with the finger pulp. Instead, you can use lemon pulp of aloe - Wash sheet, cut it in half and attach to the wet part of the corn, secure wrap tape. In the morning, remove the dressing and gently clean the skin with a pumice stone or stripped scraper.

Help soften the corn and rubbing oil - a common vegetable oil rub into the skin of the finger as often as possible. Once the skin is completely softened, you can try to remove.

If corn has deep roots, you have to remove it in the cabin. Modern equipment allows us to get rid of corns rod for a few sessions. Offers cryotherapy (cauterizing tissue with liquid nitrogen), laser processing hardware and scraping. The latter method is the most effective way to deal with rod calluses - special discs beautician removes dead skin layers, one after another, getting to the root. In the resulting hole filled anti-inflammatory drugs. Separate removal of shallow core corns possible using vinegar - close up finger Band-Aid with a hole in the middle. The hole should be directly over the corn in it you will drip essence. Several procedures sufficient for burning dry corn roots.

Tags: leg, finger