How to strengthen the blood vessels

How to strengthen the blood vessels
 Many serious and dangerous disease begins with vascular disease and occur with them age-related changes. Vascular system consists of capillaries, veins and arteries. Of their condition depends entirely on human health. So what are the functions they perform, and why they need to be strengthened?  

Called capillaries microscopic blood vessels that deliver food to every muscle fiber, every cell in our body. If you put them in the length of the body, you get a few kilometers. Skin and microvascular system are indicators of immunity. For example, sores on the legs reveal a violation of the microcirculation, reducing the delivery of nutrients and protective substances in the lesion.
Thrombosis of capillaries reduces microvascular network. As a result, capillaries "asleep", and if they do not stimulate this process causes many diseases. Furthermore, old age is defined as the drying of the body due to the gradual closure of the capillaries, the appearance of the dried cell sites and inhibition of vital processes.

Ways to strengthen the capillaries
The immediate way to build a network of capillaries are intense exercise on the body. The longer people stay active, the better it will capillary blood supply.
All kinds of massage is also a motivating factor, especially useful massage using ipplikator Kuznetsova, who is a strong blood flow to the skin. Recommended its regular use, from the spine and ending with the skin of the forehead, face, chin.
Very effective contrast perfusion, and even better the effect of the bath with a broom. Broomcorn massage is an excellent exercise for the capillaries.
Effective in preventing vascular disease are turpentine baths, which have a local irritant and antiseptic effect. At the same time there is an opening of the capillaries and the revival of circulation throughout the body.

Nourish the heart muscle coronary or coronary, artery, which with age, as well as capillaries, very vulnerable. Therefore, they need to rejuvenate and strengthen.

Causes of loss of elasticity of arteries
The main problem of the arteries - is obesity, which resulted in the walls of the arteries of plaque-covered lose their elasticity in the walls there are scars and defects. This is the process of atherosclerosis.

Methods for purification of the arteries
To cleanse and strengthen the walls of the arteries is recommended to take the infusion of hawthorn flowers, water infusion mountain arnica, alcohol tincture of birch buds, the infusion of corn silk, atherosclerotic fees consisting of a dandelion, mint, clover, knotweed, St. John's wort and cranberry leaf.
Particular attention should be paid to weight loss and proper organization of work and rest. Need daily exercise to make up the deficit. And no matter what it would be: swimming, walking, jogging or walking. Vessels needed training.

If blood flows through the arteries of the heart, veins - to him. Venous blood carries products of metabolism of the body, moreover, it is deoxygenated blood from the lower extremities rises up to the heart. This fact determines the state of the leg vessels, which account for a significant load to lift up the blood. In case of violation of the blood supply to certain organs develop occlusive disease, Raynaud's disease, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.

Ways to strengthen the elasticity of the veins. The greatest damage blood vessels causing nicotine and alcohol.
To strengthen the blood vessels is badly needed vitamin C. The easiest way to replenish vitamin C with simultaneous cleaning of vessels is a formulation of lemons, garlic and honey.
Vessels also need vitamin P (rutin), which is contained in garlic, peppers, onions, grapes, green tea, blueberries, blueberry and others.
Traditional medicine recommends acceptance of herbs that strengthen veins. This fruit chestnut, willow bark, cottonweed, chamomile, sage, striped, St. John's wort.

People who are prone to vascular disease, very meteodependent. Hence the increase in pressure, headaches, increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Therefore it is necessary to prepare the body for the summer znoyu. Should eat more greens, vegetables, fruits, which reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and the vessel wall.

Tags: system, oil, container, disease, wall, strengthening the capillary, capillaries