How to restore the water-salt balance

How to restore the water-salt balance
 Fluid and electrolyte balance is a natural indicator that indicates the status of the human body and helps to control the activities of all biological systems. Prolonged disturbance of this delicate balance is often the cause of many diseases and functional disorders, which include even cancer.
 Treat the human body without restoration of water-salt balance is pointless, since drugs can only temporarily cover up the symptoms of the disease, which will soon manifest itself again. Dehydration is dangerous and the fact that for the operation of the main systems of the body gradually disables various organs, including the threat applies to the brain.

The recovery program of water-salt balance often made individually and depends on the conditions under which these violations occurred. To recover the balance of a person must obtain an optimal amount of pure water, mineral salts, potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium and selenium. If the patient's condition allows, it is also desirable to carry out a small gym 2-3 times a day, which will facilitate the speedy restoration of the human body systems.

The basis for the restoration of water-salt balance is always clean drinking water. Furthermore, in the human diet or drinking should be a sufficient amount of salt. It is necessary to take unrefined sea or rock salt, it is also desirable iodized if not allergic to iodine. Sea salt is much more useful than a regular table, even though it is not all to taste.

The amount of water is calculated according to the weight of the person as per kilogram per day should fall on 30 ml water and per liter of water must be taken 1, 5 g of salt. All other materials will be delivered into the body with food, which is provided for each patient a personalized menu. In case of emergency are also appointed by vitamin-mineral complexes.

Restoring the balance is always done under medical supervision, which should ensure that the increase in the amount of consumption of clean water does not lead to a deterioration of the general condition of the patient. That is why it is important to gradually increase the amount of liquid, paying attention to its temperature.

Tags: body fluid, water balance