How to remove the mucus in the nose and throat

How to remove the mucus in the nose and throat
 Mucus in the nasopharynx is the result of frequent colds and malnutrition. Scoring sinuses, it leads to a reduction of smell, hearing, memory and attention. Only regular cleansing of nasal mucus restores nasal breathing and helps to avoid many unpleasant consequences.
 To cleanse the nasal mucus, use different methods - nose washing and gargling. Each of them has its advantages. If such a cleansing for the first time, before the procedure to make a steam bath for the face. It helps keep your mucus thin and faster discharge of her. For steam baths use hot broth potatoes or herbs - sage, mint, ground fennel or nettle. Within 20 minutes, slowly inhale the steam alternately nose and mouth.

For nasal lavage pour in a teapot 0, 5 liters of warm water and dissolve it in 2 tsp coarse salt. Put on the rubber spout baby pacifier with a slotted hole (3-5 mm). It will prevent the nasal mucosa from possible damage.

Bending over the tub, insert the nipple into the nostril, which breathes better. And gradually begin to pour into it saline. In this case, turn your head slightly to one side, so that the water poured from the opposite nostril. Throughout the procedure breathe mouth. If water enters the mouth, lean slightly forward. After washing, one nostril and blew his nose carefully in the same way a second rinse.

For gargling and release it from the mucus in respiratory diseases, use saline solution, and for the prevention - ordinary water. Typing in your mouth water, continue rinsing for 15-20 seconds. Repeat it at least 20 times. Usually after 4-5 second approach mucus begins to flow down the wall of the nasopharynx, causing reflex expectoration. Perform this procedure every morning and evening after cleansing the teeth.

Nasal lavage is useful to acute and chronic pharyngitis, an inflammation of the sinuses, the initial stage of glaucoma, as well as migraine, drowsiness, insomnia and decreased memory. For the treatment of conduct its two times a day, and for the prevention of one time per week. For daily cleansing nasal mucus from the use gargling. It brings no less a good result, and as well as nasal lavage can activate brain activity and prevent many diseases.

Tags: nose, throat, allergy, purification, education, inflammation, rinsing, washing, slime, nasopharynx, sinus