How to relieve the pain in the pancreas

How to relieve the pain in the pancreas
 Pain in the pancreas indicates the presence of pancreatitis. Get rid of it, of course, possible, but still do it without consulting your doctor is extremely dangerous. In acute inflammatory process may begin tissue necrosis, which threatens serious consequences.
 If you do decide to self-medicate, remember that you may cause serious harm to your own health. Therefore, consider all the risks, and then to proceed to the treatment of pancreatic cancer. If you are afraid to call an ambulance because they can take away to the hospital, call your doctor and consult on the necessary therapy.

To relieve the pain in pancreatic take Nospanum. This is perhaps the only drug that has no adverse effects on the digestive organs. Nospanum relieve spasms and expand pancreatic ducts, slightly ease your condition. If the pain you feel after a hearty dinner, first wash the stomach by drinking plenty of fluids (water or mineral water with soda).

Slight analgesic effect has a "Pancreatin", "Mezim" and "Festal". Take two tablets once a day to improve the general condition. The composition includes tablets enzymes are secreted by the pancreas. After their use you will get a little better, and the load of the digestive system with a few to star.

When severe pain as an emergency use a hot water bottle with ice. If you do not, just soak a towel in ice water and place it in the freezer for 10 minutes. And then attach to the left side. Procedure is repeated until the improvement of the general condition and pain relief.

Follow the diet. The first two days do not eat anything at all, and only drink alkaline mineral water. Gradually add to the diet of boiled food: vegetables, fish, meat, chicken. Give up unhealthy foods at some period of time. Gradually, all the functions of the pancreas will come back to normal, and you forget about the pain. Once you will have free time to visit the hospital and make US the digestive system.

Tags: pain, iron attack