How to reduce the level of male hormones

How to reduce the level of male hormones
 Testosterone is often called "male hormone", is present in the female body, playing a very important role in its development. However, if the indicators are going wild, you should reduce the amount thereof, or of an ally testosterone turn into the enemy and become the cause of many health problems.
 Elevated levels of testosterone in the female body can cause a number of serious gynecological diseases. If you suspect that your body of this hormone in excess, be sure to do the survey. What should we look for? An excess of testosterone show symptoms such as acne, baldness, excessive body hair growth, increased fat in the waist area.

The first is to consult a gynecologist, who will appoint necessary to identify the level of testosterone assays. Note that you must pass them on the seventh day of your menstrual cycle, counting from the first day of the month. On the eve of the analysis necessarily should refrain from alcohol and smoking. Only after the results, your doctor may prescribe the appropriate medication.

Reduce the amount of testosterone can be increased with the help of some oral contraceptives, which take along with necessary medicines. The course of this treatment long enough - up to several months, it all depends on the content of testosterone in the body. Such contraceptives help to cope with unpleasant external manifestations of hormonal failure: acne, excessive body hair, the presence of bleeding between periods.

Along with medication can be taken and dietary supplements intended to reduce the level of testosterone in women. However, before their use should always consult your doctor.

But the most simple and affordable means of reducing testosterone in the female body is a special diet. It is proved that the active development of testosterone affect minerals such as magnesium and zinc. That is why women receiving hormonal treatment, should not take foods rich in these minerals. The only way to reduce the level of testosterone in the body is to increase the "female hormone" - estrogen. To do this, you need to enrich your diet products containing it in the required amount. These include rice, wheat, soy products, cherries, apples.

Exercise regularly, at least four times a week. But do not get involved in weight training, better to give preference to such sports techniques like yoga or pilates.

At the very same measure to reduce testosterone in the female body is hormone replacement therapy. This method is very effective, but has a lot of side effects. While the doctor is found the optimal dosage of hormones, and make it very difficult, during treatment the patient may suffer from insomnia, sweating, cardiac arrhythmia.

Tags: hormone levels, estrogen, testosterone, therapy