How to recover after breaking his hand

How to recover after breaking his hand
 When fractures hands inevitably occurs damage bones, muscles or joints. This is reflected in its function: after fracture healing decreased muscle strength, range of motion is limited and violated their coordination. People unable to work, and there is a need to restore after breaking his hand.  
 Recover after breaking his hand, you can use special exercises, exercises in warm water, and applying salves and compresses.

Exercise after fracture should be dosed and varied. They need to perform regularly, then it will improve blood circulation and nutrition of tissues gradually recover. Scars and adhesions, including domestic, will become mobile, and will gradually hand motor recovery.

If damaged tendons of the fingers to restore movement coordination exercises use with fasteners on clothing: laces shoelaces, fasten buttons and zippers, belts, buttons and hooks. All these actions have to be repeated several times during the day. Well coached arm muscles knotting his tie. You can also do normal household chores: washing dishes by hand the patient, iron clothes, knitting and cooking. The main thing - do not overdo it, exercise should not be accompanied by pain, just a feeling of mild fatigue in his hand.

Exercises in warm water, in addition to the development of muscle groups, improve circulation tissues affected arm. Immerse hand in a bowl or other container with water so that the water level was above the elbow joint. Flexion and extension of the limb in the joint, turn it consistently axis in both directions. Take in your hand a small rubber ball - so to fit in the palm of the hand when bent. Successively compress and decompress hand, releasing the ball again and taking it from the bottom. Can also be placed on the bottom of the pelvis small items, such as buttons, and collect them. This will restore the coordination of movements.

To speed up the recovery of blood circulation in the affected tissues mummy hand use as an ointment. Mix this cream with rose oil, and gently rub into the fracture site. If concerned about pain in this place, you can make applications from raw potatoes. Rub it on a coarse grater, form a "cake" of the potato mass and apply on the sore spot. This will ease the pain, use this method every time you feel increased discomfort in the area of ​​the fracture.

Well relieves pain and restores blood circulation comfrey ointment. For this cup of dried leaves of this plant, mix with a glass of sunflower oil. Boil the mixture on low heat for half an hour, then strain, add vitamin E and one-fourth cup of beeswax. After cooling, apply weight on the sore spot for one hour, put a bandage on top. Use of comfrey ointment twice a day for seven days.

In addition to physical therapy and ointments in the recovery of hand function after breaking play the role of proper nutrition and vitamin therapy. Include in your diet foods rich in calcium and silicon: cottage cheese, milk, bread with bran, green vegetables, turnips and olives. Vitamins are best taken in the form of complexes, and their content is balanced in such formulations.

Tags: water, hand, Ambassador, fracture, exercise, gymnastics