How to increase intestinal motility

How to increase intestinal motility
 Well-functioning intestine - is the key to good health and appearance. It is this body absorbs useful components on a par with harmful substances formed during digestion or coming from the food. But for their smooth removal is necessary to maintain normal bowel movements, and at lower temperatures to carry out comprehensive rehabilitation.
 For normal operation of the gastrointestinal tract must be balanced diet - the right combination on the menu of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The predominance of one or another can lead to long-term retention of food in the intestines, the formation of a large amount of feces and the gradual disruption of its normal activities.

The tendency to constipation, which is often the case with intestinal, make a diet dominated by products that enhance peristalsis. These include cold drinks, savory and salt, molasses, honey, sweet (not flour) products, crude fiber - fruit peel, vegetables, rye bread, buckwheat and kefir, yogurt, plums, cherries, currants, tomatoes , cabbage.

To prevent stagnation in the intestine, limit foods that reduce its tone. This hot beverages - tea, coffee, hot water; contain tannins, astringents - red wine, cocoa; enveloping broths - rice, barley; fresh white bread and pastries, pies, jellies, meats, eggs, butter, full-fat milk. If ingested drink plenty of fluids between meals and eat raw vegetables and fruits in relation to the thermally processed food 3: 1.

To restore normal bowel motility and enhance its accustom themselves to drink clean water. Do not replace it with other drinks that are perceived gastrointestinal tract as food and undergo a complete digestive process. Once the water quickly and easily penetrates into the intestines, promotes normal absorption of nutrients and prevents constipation. Eat at least 1, 5 liters (summer 2-2, 5 liters) of clean, cool water. Drink only between meals in small sips. Most of it drink in the morning, and the remainder in the second. This eliminates the additional load on the kidneys.

One reason for lowering the tone of the intestine is a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, especially magnesium. It is this element is responsible for peristalsis. Furthermore it regulates the nervous system, the violation of which can lead to intestinal atony. Therefore, in order to eliminate the possible lack of magnesium in the diet include products with its contents, namely, cereal - oatmeal, buckwheat and millet, as well as green vegetables, nuts, seafood. And besides periodically take finished a combined preparation of magnesium with vitamin B6.

Bowel function depends on the lifestyle. Sedentary work, no lengthy walks and other physical stress to the muscles, including muscle and abdominal tone of the lower gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, to enhance the intestinal peristalsis spend daily exercise - morning exercises and workout at work. If there is no interest in any sports (swimming, running, etc.), as an alternative to make long walks in the fresh air in a vigorous pace.

Tags: work, constipation, tone, restore, lack of vitamin, peristalsis, deficiency, magnesium