How to get rid of scars

How to get rid of scars
 Scar or crack - a formation of connective tissue in the skin after healing of open wounds, operations, burns, acne. Scars can be of several types. The method of correction depends on the depth of scarring, healing abilities and characteristics of the original injury.
 Atrophic scars - a flabby scars, furrows, which are located below the level of the surrounding tissue. Typical examples of these scars - stretch marks, acne, arising from severe forms of acne.

Normotroficheskie scars located on the skin surface, they can be visually identified only as skin texture and color becomes uneven, but they do not protrude above the surface.

Hypertrophic scars - a prominent scars, significantly above the surface of the skin.

Keloid scars - it scars formed after surgery. After 1-3 months of connective tissue significantly expands the surface of the wound.

Get rid of scars, you can use different techniques. We should not forget that any form of correction is aimed at improving the appearance of the skin to scar was invisible or less visible to others. Remove scar completely impossible. The most common methods for correction of scars - laser, hardware and chemical.

Lasers are widely used for the treatment and grinding scars. The basic technique is aimed at the removal of the outer cells of scar tissue, whereby the surface of the skin is significantly mitigated. Under the influence of the laser increased production of collagen. This has a very positive effect on the appearance of a scar.

Grinding is performed using erbium laser. It is a modern technique that helps to evaporate the upper cells of the scar and simultaneously weld the vessels, and the surrounding scar tissue is not damaged. Grinding is indicated for the correction normotroficheskie, atrophic and hypertrophic scars.

With the help of chemical peels can get rid of atrophic and hypertrophic scars. The procedure is performed with highly concentrated fruit acids. Aligned skin relief, activates the production of collagen and elastin.

The most difficult to treat susceptible of hypertrophic and keloid scars. From a doctor need a lot of experience. Removal is carried out in several stages and can take a lot of time.

After any procedure for the correction of scars skin is restored within a certain period. Only after full recovery will be noticeable final result.

Tags: rumen method, deletion