There are other methods of getting rid of scars. Methods is selected depending on the depth and origin scar and the extent of tissue damage. One of them - a mechanical peeling or dermobraziya during which using special brushes remove the top layer of the skin. With this method you can get rid of old scars. However, this operation is very traumatic and painful. Part of the capillary may be removed together with the upper layer of the skin, and this will lead to bleeding.
Unlike the previous method, microdermabrasion is less painful - skin treatment during her shallow, so are not affected and blood vessels. Most often it is chosen to get rid of scars that have arisen after the acne. However, this method is effective if it is carried out only in beauty parlors and salons. A similar procedure is carried out in the home, the result will not.
Laser resurfacing also helps to get rid of old scars. This procedure is suitable for shallow scars. You can also remove old scars by ointments and creams that have the effect of absorbing. The course of treatment is rather lengthy, often at least six months. But this method has virtually no contraindications, and, besides, painless.
Are used to get rid of scars and other methods. For example, such as cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen treatment). Do not be discounted and folk remedies (treatment with wax, honey, essential oils, etc.).