How to get rid of fungus on his hands

How to get rid of fungus on his hands
 Fungus on nails not only spoils the appearance of hands, but is unpleasant infectious disease that if left untreated can practically destroy the nail, as well as delve into the body, causing redness and pain in the limbs. Fungus responds well to treatment, even folk remedies.
 Method for treating fungus arms depends on the degree and duration of the disease lesion. In mild form well established traditional medicine, baths, as well as pharmaceutical drug "Exoderil." Treatment with this drug was performed as follows: Before you apply it, the nails must be good to steam in the water with the addition of soda. After steaming need to rinse your hands (or feet) running water and dry thoroughly with a towel. Now to be cut free edge of the affected nails and slightly cut down their surface to the drug well absorbed. Drip "Exoderil" solution to the nails, wait until the drug is absorbed, and then cover them with cream on top "Exoderil." This procedure should be carried out in the evening and in the morning every day.

Very effective not only for athlete's foot, and pain in the joints, ankles and feet, baths with strong coffee. To do this, you must cook the strong black coffee and gently, not shaking the sediment, dipped in his hands for a few minutes. Every day doing this procedure, you can very quickly get rid of the fungus. After coffee trays can be lubricated nails onion juice, lemon or natural tomato juice (it is effective and fungus on the feet).

It is also good to rub garlic on a fine grater and mix it in equal proportions (1: 1) with butter. The mixture is applied to areas affected by fungus hands, closes gauze bandages and left until morning. Impose remedial mixture should be daily until complete recovery.

If the nail fungus is a more acute stage, without having to visit a doctor can not do. Doctor (mycologist) determine the type of agent and will select the appropriate treatment. Most often when running fungus prescribed ointments or creams with an antibiotic. Effective with the nail fungus drug "Nizoral" (ketoconazole) tablets, taken once a day for the duration of the tablet receiving 3-4 months. Pills usually combine with cream "Nizoral" smearing them the lesion 1-2 times daily until the disappearance of the fungus.

A very important point in treatment - regularity. Those patients who at the first sign of recovery alone canceled further treatment, eventually returning fungus found in a more sustainable manner. Therefore, the start and finish treatment should be strictly according to the scheme, which is appointed by the attending physician.

Tags: hand, nail fungus treatment