How sucked bruise

How sucked bruise
 Most often, the bruise is caused by a fall or injury and resolves on its own within 7-10 days. However, when a large area of ​​damage it resorption may take much longer. Speed ​​up the process by using the available tools.
 The main treatment for a bruise in the first hours after the injury is ice. Only a cooling compress will help narrow the blood vessels and impede the growth of the hematoma. Wrap ice in a cloth and apply to the site of injury for 15-20 minutes. Suitable as a cold wet towel.

A few hours after the injury can proceed directly to the treatment of a bruise. However, be aware that use heat during the day after hematoma formation is undesirable. Effective tool in the fight against bruises is potato starch. Mix it with water to form a slurry and apply to the place of injury. Do not rinse agent for 15 minutes, repeat the procedure at least 4 times per day. As a rule, the bruise disappears within two, maximum three days.

Another effective treatment for bruises is iodine. Lubricate them bruised place 1-2 times a day. It is possible to combine this procedure with starch treatment. The effect of their sharing only intensify.

Cabbage leaf also has a strong absorbing effects. No wonder it has long been used for the treatment of seals that have arisen after the injection. Make small incisions on the sheet and attach it to the hematoma. It is advisable to fix it with a bandage. Change the bandage every hour, effective only fresh cabbage juice.

Mix vodka and vinegar in equal proportions and add to them a little salt. Soak cotton wool in the resulting vehicle and attach to a hematoma on 15 minutes. Repeat three times daily.

Well helps aloe. Cut at the base of the fleshy leaf of a plant, cut it lengthwise and attach to the pulp hematoma. Keep it for two to three hours several times a day. Bruise resolves a maximum of three days.

If you wish, you can use the tools and pharmacy. Has a pronounced effect ointment "Arnika" and "Troxevasin."

Tags: means a bruise, treatment, hematoma