How do I remove a bruise

How do I remove a bruise
 There is hardly a person believes that adorn the human bruises. Indeed, what could be worse bright inappropriately bruising, especially under the eye? Probably a lot, but the bruise still need to clean up.

Bruise (hematoma) usually occurs when a strong physical contact of any part of the human body with anything hard or not. This is accompanied by the destruction of the subcutaneous capillaries and accumulation of blood under the skin at the site of impact. Accompanied by all this mess color change bruised skin, the appearance of puffiness and not the most pleasant sensations.

The likelihood of a bruise depends on the fragility of blood vessels. Older people bruising can occur even from minor physical impact. Overexposure to sunlight makes the skin prone to bruising field. The same result is obtained receiving multiple medications, especially painkillers, blood thinners.

According to doctors and physicians must pass a bruise itself after a while. A quantity of time depends on the location of the resulting hematoma. It is lower than on the body, the longer it will take. Facial bruise disappears after 5-7 days on foot can be up to 2 months. The whole point is the difference between blood pressure - in the vessels of the legs is higher than, say, in her arms.

Once you have received unwanted injury, immediately attach the ice (or something cold) and may even be able to avoid bruising at all. Once the swelling is gone, use a cold compress is useless. Then, after a while, you will need to heat up the injured area. Warm anything important - that was tolerated (eg, heated in a pan with salt and wrapped in cloth). Continue warming up for 30-60 minutes (but who survive).

To increase the amount of vitamin C in the body. Eat cabbage and citrus. If you do not want to absorb a lot of oranges, you can buy these vitamin tablets at your local pharmacy.

Take the time to make iodine grid in place of a bruise - let's not pretty, but it will help. Can also ask in the same local pharmacy ointment to relieve bruises (well to "concoctions", but do not overdo it).

Tags: bruise, bump, bruise