Herpes on the lips

Herpes on the lips
 Perhaps the man who never in his life faced with a cold on the lips - a rarity. Such misfortune often comes seemingly just out of the blue. Alas, herpes on the lips not only brings pain and discomfort, but also much spoil our aesthetic. And there is nothing you can do about it, unfortunately, herpes on the lips periodically occurs every third person on our planet. And we may even be unaware that we have this virus, because according to official figures of the World Health Organization, the virus lives in the body 95% of the world population. Our century can rightly be called the century of viruses. While previously the most common bacterial infection were then superiority today without doubt involved in viral disease, and, in particular, herpes virus. And herpes suffer not only people, but also fish, birds, animals. In recent decades, the situation is particularly difficult. This is due to a bad environment, immunocompromised, falling living standards, personal hygiene. Women's magazine JustLady decided to devote today's conversation such unpleasant diseases like herpes on the lips. 

No one knows exactly how old the herpes virus exists in the world, but there is evidence that he is at least 25 centuries. The virus may be for many years to sleep and wake up in the body at any time. What usually happens: suddenly appearsherpes on the lips. Familiar? Women's magazine JustLady draws your attention to the fact that the main factors contributing to the emergence of this disease include:

• Hypothermia;
• Overheating;
• Stress;
• Antibiotics;
• overwork;
• Wrong way of life;
• Infections;
• Ultraviolet radiation;
• Alcohol;
• Pregnancy.

The most common form of the virus - the first type to which theherpes on the lips. Women's magazine JustLady knows how upset women when it would seem, at the wrong time in the most prominent place there this unpleasant disease. In the lip formed bubbles which burst and then recovered viruses. In place of these bubbles in a few days the crust is formed, which then disappears. All this time, the person feels pain and burning, which are terminated until the next exacerbation. Alas, the aggravation may be several times a year. JustLady urges you during acute sit at home, or you could infect others. Yes, and well-being can not be the best: chills, weakness, fever. Many doctors believe thatherpes on the lips often appears in the childhood, when loving relatives constantly kiss the baby. Therefore JustLady magazine advises you to protect your child from kissing numerous relatives.

Herpes on the lips treatment

To our great regret, even nowadays medicine does not guarantee a complete cure of the disease. However, you may take preventive measures to prevent a recurrence of the disease, if it settled the virus in your body. First of all, the magazine JustLady encourages you to review your lifestyle, stop smoking, avoid alcohol and coffee in large quantities.

Also, do not overload themselves with work, try not to supercool not stay under the scorching hot summer days. To prevent repeatedherpes on the lips, treatment which fully guarantees even modern medicine, take a sufficient number of trace elements and vitamins, particularly vitamins A, C, E, PP and zinc. Very useful red meat, seafood, natural vegetable oils. However, even after treatment of herpes virus does not leave the human body, but only "falls asleep."

How to get rid of cold sores on the lips

As already noted magazine JustLady unfortunately even the best medicines do not help get rid of the virus. But here's the cure themselves manifestations and can prevent the worsening - doctors prescribe drugs that suppress the virus and do not let it multiply, as well as drugs that enhance human immunity. In all cases, it is individual therapy, taking into account many specific indications. Alsoget rid of cold sores on the lips help homeopathic remedies that uluchayut health.

Herpes on the lip: folk remedies

Help cureherpes on the lip of folk remedies. Herbalists recommend herpes brew tea from thyme, peppermint, St. John's wort, lemon balm. Brew black tea, cool and apply to the affected area three times a day for half an hour. Good lubrication helps inflamed places 70% alcohol or cologne.

Make the collection of: 1 tbsp. spoon thyme, succession, yarrow, rosemary shoots, roots burnet. 1 tbsp. spoon collection pour a glass of boiled water, half an hour after the infusion of strain. Take 3-4 times a day for 1 st. spoon before eating. Course - 2-3 weeks.

And a useful collection: 2 tablespoons. spoons of chamomile, lemon balm, motherwort herb, thyme, juniper fruit, raspberry leaf; 1 tablespoons of St. John's wort, wormwood, adonis. 2 tablespoons collection pour boiling water (1 cup), leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 3-4 times a day for half a glass. Course - 1-2 weeks. Excellent help with herpes juice and lemon juice Kalanchoe: if you feel on the lip tingling and itching, then lubricate sore spots, bubbles so soon heal. Women's magazine JustLady reminds you about the fresh juice of celandine: lubricate the affected area several times a day.

Women's magazine JustLady wish you good health and happy smiles!

 Alice Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: temperature, virus, herpes treatment, chills