Discomfort in the stomach or in the intestine: the possible reasons

Discomfort in the stomach or in the intestine: the possible reasons
 The problems of the gastrointestinal tract - is not only gastritis and goiter, which are the most popular, but not only diagnoses. Discomfort in the stomach, as in the intestine and discomfort may be caused by a variety of events and conditions. Some reasons for having stomach discomfort and discomfort in the intestine, a women's magazine offers to talk JustLady.

Before we talk about the reasons, let's define what we mean by discomfort in the stomach or intestines. Discomfort - this is by and large any feeling that can not be called comfortable. That is, it is just discomfort, and various kinds of pain. On what exactly the feeling one experiences, complaining aboutdiscomfort in the stomach or in the intestineDepends on the diagnosis, and thus treatment. But still, there are diagnoses that doctors almost associated with the terms "stomach discomfort" and "discomfort in the gut." It dyspepsia and irritable bowel syndrome.

Stomach discomfort: dyspepsia

Generally indigestion - this is not a diagnosis, but a number of different digestive disorders. Thus dyspeptic symptoms, includingstomach discomfortMay occur as a background organic (associated with problems in the bodies) and background on the functional disorders.

Among the organic disorders that lead to the development of dyspepsia often have chronic pancreatitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, gastric ulcer, cholelithiasis.

As to functional disturbances which can cause indigestion and hence, discomfort in the stomach, it refers to the power failure (or nutritional disorders), stress, medication, increased secretion of hydrochloric acid and others.

Functional (nutritional) dyspepsia depending on the nature of eating disorders can be fat, or putrid fermentation. All three types of causestomach discomfortBut fat indigestion associated with excessive consumption of fats, putrid - Abuse proteins and fermentation - too frequent and prolonged use of carbohydrates.

How can manifest indigestion?Stomach discomfortAnd, more specifically, in the epigastric region - only one of the symptoms. In addition, patients with dyspepsia often complain of a feeling of satiety almost immediately after starting a meal and say that the food is as if stopped in the stomach. And possibly nausea and bloating in the epigastric region, which doctors must be differentiated from the visible abdominal distension.

While the differential diagnosis of doctors determine whether the patient has the disease, which could contribute to the development of organic dyspepsia and exclude all other possible diseases that are characterized bystomach discomfort dyspepsia and other symptoms. If no organic disease at the time of diagnosis is not found, the doctor concludes that the patient has an organic dyspepsia.

Depending on what caused the causes dyspepsia, treatment is prescribed. But in any case, regardless of the other recommendations of the doctor, to cure dyspepsia it is mandatory to establish the power.

Discomfort in the gut: SRK

That's right, using the abbreviation RCC, usually denoted by irritable bowel syndrome. On a par with dyspepsia syndrome is a disease that is often beyond the control of any organic disorders. What, then, becomes the reason for its development? There are several reasons, and each of them can cause IBS, and accordingly,gut discomfort:

- Vascular dystonia;

- Psychosomatic disorders, neuroses;

- Stress, chronic traumatic situations;

Much lessgut discomfortCaused IBS arises against poisoning or an intestinal infection. But even these phenomena in order to provoke IBS must be accompanied by psychological problems.

Diagnose the presence of irritable bowel syndrome is not easy, because doctors have to eliminate a significant number of other diseases, which is characterized by symptoms of IBS. But in general, identified a number of symptoms, the presence of which (especially accompanied by psychosomatic disorders) can suspect the presence of irritable bowel syndrome.

-gut discomfortWhich may be expressed as unpleasant sensations in the lungs and in significant pain;

- Frustration of a chair. Available as diarrhea and constipation;

- Bloating. A characteristic feature of IBS is the growth of this symptom during the day and increased expression after meals.

It is believed that a diagnosis of "irritable bowel syndrome" can say that if the above symptoms occur within 12 or more weeks for a year. It's not necessarily have to be 12 consecutive weeks.

In addition, to help establish a diagnosis of "IBS" accompanying symptoms. These include migraine, depression, phobias, anxiety, lump in the throat, panic attacks, nausea, belching, heaviness.

Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome is done by establishing a diet, as well as by means of psychotherapy and medications.

Feelingstomach discomfort orgut discomfort, We can not afford to put their own diagnosis. With such complaints should be handled primarily to a gastroenterologist. It is possible that the doctor will reveal one of the above diseases that can be treated safely.

Inna Dmitrieva

Tags: Ambassador, intestines, stomach, stomach discomfort