"Cleft lip" and "cleft palate". For what?

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 Cleft lip and cleft palate - congenital malformations of the upper jaw, they occupy the 3rd and 4th places among malformations. They occur in the first two months of pregnancy, when formed maxillofacial organs.

Cleft lip (heyloskhizis) - a malformation of the maxillary system, formed as a result of nonunion tissue of the upper jaw and nasal cavity. Inferior to the prevalence of child clubfoot and only appears in one of the 2,500 case newborns.

The upper lip is divided cleft, which reaches almost to the nose and opens the front teeth. When unilateral heyloskhizise gap falls on the left side and looks like a small defect. When bilateral cleft lip defect has the form of deep furrows, which breaks left and right of the middle line of the lip to the nose and deeper.

Cleft palate - a congenital defect in development, which is the upper jaw and cleft palate. This results in a cleft between the sky and the base of the nose. This is a more serious problem in comparison with "harelip" and occurs about once in every thousand births.

Sometime in 1991, the British scientists have found a gene responsible for the disease, called "cleft palate". Studies have shown that this defect is caused by changes in development TVx22 gene, which is located on the X-chromosome. 3 gene has now been found in which mutations contribute to the formation of these anomalies.

On the development of these defects can be found by ultrasound, however, in the later stages of pregnancy, and very rarely - a period of 12 weeks during the passage of the first ultrasound.

Foremost among the reasons for forming the development of this defect are hereditary factors. If a family already has a child with defects, the risk of having a subsequent increased by 7%.

The second group includes toxic-chemical background. This smoking, alcohol during pregnancy, taking of drugs without an agreement with the doctor, drug addiction, lack of folic acid. A significant role in the appearance of malformations plays unfavorable ecological situation in the area of ​​living and doing work.

According to statistics, a woman who smoked up to 10 cigarettes per day, the risk to give birth to a sick child with a 30% chance of a hundred. Smoke more than a pack a day at risk with 70% probability.

The immediate cause of the child "harelip" and "cleft palate" is the effect on the body during the first three months of pregnancy chemical factors (23%), mechanical injury (6%), biological (5%) and physical (radiation - 2% ) effects.

The third line is the disease of the mother. Typically, the reason lies in getting the negative effects on the fetus during the first two months of pregnancy. At this time, there is a bookmark maxillofacial organs.

These include: the mother brought the flu or other infectious diseases on the background of the high temperature, finished the cure morning sickness, regularly experience stress and depression, obesity mother. Among infectious diseases repulsive factor for the development of pathologies of maxillofacial system are toxoplasmosis, rubella, genital herpes, tsitalomegavirusnaya and other sexually transmitted infections.

For all the mothers of sick children is characterized by the presence of one or two risk factors, such as gynecological pathology, bad habits and chronic diseases of internal organs. Among the prerequisites can be isolated and parental age from 35 to 40 years.

All children born with this malformation, face problems eating, breathing difficulties, speech and mental problems.

Treatment "harelip" and "cleft palate" takes place in 3 stages. In the first step the plastic upper lip and nose, the so-called heylorinoplastiku. This operation is done in the first three months of life.

The second stage is characterized by uranoplasty - plastic sky. It aims to eliminate the defect of the sky and the air leakage through the defect during a speech. Performed 2 times: 6-8 and 12-14 months.

The third stage (or osteoplastic surgery) on the upper jaw is done in 8-12 years after the final eruption of permanent teeth. Next up to 18 years conducted corrective cosmetic surgery.

The best means of preventing the birth of a child with any developmental disabilities is planning to become pregnant, timely examination and ultrasound. This will help eliminate much of the risk factors.

Tags: lip, development, treatment, cause jaw