Why do people yawn?

Why do people yawn?
 When you yawn? Sitting at home and watching boring TV show? In class, lecture or in the office during the endless work day, encountering an old friend or a completely uninteresting getting home on the train? In our life there are many situations where I feel like and take it once yawn ... and then once more, and more ... Why do people yawn? I bet you yourself have repeatedly asked this question. The easiest answer is probably because so the body needs, and may from fatigue or boredom ... the answer is correct, but not complete. And so the next time you yawn you are not bothersome question: Why do I yawn? women's magazine JustLady will answer it in this article.

No man on earth who does not have yawned. Women and men yawn equally often, the only difference is that more women covers her mouth. It is interesting that my very first person makes a yawn at the age of eleven weeks in the womb, while the weight is about seven grams, and the size of it barely exceeds pear.

Yawning is not limited to people, because it is - a manifestation of the ancient instinct inherent in all animals and animals respectively, it is not strange, too, yawn, as well as people. Those who have pets are not seen as their pet yawns and stretches. The only difference between man and his beloved cat or dog that people tend to yawn just before bedtime or when experiencing fatigue, and the animals on the contrary, when they feel cheerfulness, for example before the walk.

Some animals, such as wolves, tigers, lions and leopards yawn to show the enemy their sharp teeth. Hippos their number does not include, but are also quite susceptible yawn, opening the jaws 150 degrees!

Why do people yawn ... at the same time?

By the way, have you noticed that if someone close yawn, then immediately behind him opens his mouth the second ... third ... very contagious Yawning: Is it worth someone yawn in a public place and immediately behind him begin to yawn others. As a rule, "for the company"yawn sensual people ability to empathize. And among the animals ape chimpanzee - the only ones that, like people involuntarily yawn "for the company."

Why do people yawn?

By themselves, we yawn many times at intervals of 68 seconds. So why does our body requires time and again to open your mouth wider, more air to breathe? Maybe you do not get enough sleep? Or you're bored? The most common answer to the question "Why do people yawn"- From lack of oxygen. Is this true? Let's try to understand.

How do I find scientists, and we have no reason not to believe them, yawning is inextricably linked to the needs of the brain, which is necessary for proper operation of the oxygen in certain quantities. Feeling a noticeable lack of oxygen, your brain tells about it throughout the body, and that in due time endeavor, as quickly as possible to fix the problem. In what way? Make up for the lack of oxygen by a yawning - a kind of alternate breaths. With deep, prolonged breath (which lasts an average of 6 seconds) oxygen immediately, it can be said, goes directly to the brain. Thus, the lack of filled, the brain begins to function as usual and you stop yawning. Have you noticed how hard to stop a yawn? It occurs spontaneously, and while your body does not get enough of the right amount of oxygen you can not even try to stop yawning - nothing will.
Many believe that yawning - a sign of boredom and sleepiness. They are partly right. After all, boredom and sleepiness before yawning arise just from lack of oxygen. Not enough sleep or overtired people as well as people who are a long time in a confined space and office workers, leading a sedentary lifestyle, yawn more frequently than those who spend time outdoor activities and plenty enough sleep.

 Remember when you were yawning last? If you yawn too often, then you urgently need to change the way of life. After yawning - a sign that your body does not have enough oxygen and you are tired. Try to get enough sleep, walk more and spend more time outdoors. In addition, the benefit will be swimming, exercise and work in the garden. And if you lead an active lifestyle is enough, do not neglect to exercise, get enough sleep and are often outdoors, but still suffer yawning, it is best to consult a doctor. By the way, doctors say that yawning is very useful, because when yawning respiratory tract are expanding all the muscles relax, followed by a pleasant state of near unconsciousness.

Yawning stimulates the brain, relieves fatigue, stress and mental strain. German scientists have found that yawning clears the mind, supplies the muscles and brain energy, activates blood circulation, relax the muscles of the face, neck, temples and neck, as well as the abdominal muscles, shoulders, and diaphragm. In addition yawning stimulates the lacrimal gland, which is useful for the eyes. A Spanish doctors concluded that yawning normalizes blood pressure, reduces stress in the joints, as well as helps prevent heart disease. That is why women's magazine JustLady advises to suppress a yawn. On the contrary, yawn health, but do not overdo it, as you can inadvertently curtail the jaw!

 Tatiana Osipova
Women's magazine JustLady

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