Treatment of leg joints folk remedies

Treatment of leg joints folk remedies
 Human leg lifelong stressed components, because of what may appear and pains in the joints. If time does not address this problem, in the future you can lose even the possibility of move normally. Diseases leg joints, usually start because of salt deposits. If this fate befell you, get rid of articular diseases, traditional medicine can help.

Treatment of knee joint is primarily to address the causes of developing the disease. The most common causes of this disease are considered to exercise or joint injuries. In order to facilitate its share take note of a few tried and tested by many generations of people treatments.
As you know, bay leaf for centuries was considered one of the most miraculous means to get rid of salts that have accumulated in the body for many years. Take 20-30 bay leaves, fill them with two cups of boiling water. After that, boil them for 5 minutes and leave to infuse in a thermos for 3-4 hours. Decoction taken orally in small sips. The course lasts 3 days, then you must make a one week break. The effectiveness of this method can be checked very easily. If you become concerned about frequent urination - is a sign that the salt start excreted, and therefore, bay leaf copes with his work.
No less effective method of treatment is a decoction of the chestnut. At half-liter jar, filled completely with vodka, add 300 grams of minced horse chestnut. Let it brew for 14 days, without forgetting daily shake it. After 2 weeks, strain and drink a decoction of 30-40 drops 3-4 times a day for 3-4 weeks. Be sure to store in a dark place.
Treatment of osteoarthritis of the joints and can be carried out with the help of ointments, which you will also be able to cook for themselves. To do this, you will need 50 grams of camphor and 100 grams of alcohol 50 grams of mustard powder. Dissolve 50 g of camphor in 100 g of alcohol, and add 50 g of mustard powder, all thoroughly mixed. Separately, whip the egg whites (2-3 eggs) and pour in the mixture. The ointment is prepared. Every day, rub the aching joints, and pain as a hand lift.
Treatment of joints folk remedies to reduce pain and reduce inflammation, and increase the body's immunity.

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