Tooth extraction: what to do after? Tooth extraction: complications, swelling, bleeding, temperature

 Two opinions can not be: remove teeth no one likes, including dentists. Modern dentistry for all its technological advancement and until ripe for rejection of its very old and sinister procedure. Today, in the XXI century, doctors can make tooth extraction is less painful and more comfortable, but, alas, can not guaranteed to relieve patients from some of the consequences of this operation. Lady, will brave! If fate leaves no choice, we will test it in cold blood. A women's magazine JustLady help with the preparation of the information.

In the category Health: Secrets of Women's Health

ExtractionOr ekzodontiya, known since ancient times. In fact, teeth pulled out, not only to alleviate the suffering from a toothache, but also with the more bloodthirsty purposes - to intimidate and torture.

However, over the centuries, ekzodontiya was hardly the only way to solve any dental problems. And before the invention of antibiotics and the development of adequate tools this way even the most good intentions was not only painful but dangerous - people fell ill and died as a result of failure of tooth extraction.

In the 14th century advanced medieval surgeon Guy de Chauliac first applied the "dental pelican" - devices that allow more or less accurately and quickly "uproot" the tooth with a root. "Pelican" was successfully used until the 18th century until it gave way to more modern equipment. Todaytooth extraction using various instruments and techniques - depending on the specific situation.

Modernextraction - Operation, responsible and difficult, not only for the patient but also for the dentist. To remove the molar resorted to only in the event of conclusive evidence, if the tooth can not be saved (or save itself nothing) when the state threatens "neighbors jaw" or face complications, inflammation, infection. In some complex casesextraction becomes a necessary part of orthodontic procedures related to the correction of malocclusion. In short, tooth extraction - an extreme measure resorted to in the event that another way to solve the problem is impossible.

The main reasons for tooth extraction:

- Infection or extensive damage to the tooth caries (about 2/3 of all operations to remove!)
- Tooth prevents the normal growth of other teeth
- Some gum disease has spread to other tissues and destroys the integrity of the jawbone
- Tooth oblomlen or significantly damaged (due to an accident, fights, etc.).
- Wisdom tooth often becomes a candidate for removal, even without pain and other symptoms, because it can change the symmetry of the face or change the bite, and "suppress" the adjacent teeth.

There are two basic types oftooth extraction: Simple and surgical. Simple removal involves the extraction of the tooth jaw visible. It is performed under local anesthesia (a shot) and, as a rule, in its course only apply tools, lifts and pulls the tooth. The tooth is loosened slightly to compromise the integrity of periodontal tissue that supports its alveolar bone expanding, and applying forceps, the doctor pulls the tooth of the jaw.

Surgical removal is used fortooth extractionTo which access is difficult - for example, if the crown (top, visible above the gum) oblomlena, or it does not fully penetrate. In each case, the dentist chooses its own strategy tooth extraction - can be excised only soft tissue or there is a need to remove or dissection of the jawbone. In complex situations tooth crushed and removed piecemeal.

Tooth extraction: what to do after? Tooth extraction: complications, swelling, bleeding, temperature

What to do after tooth extraction?

So, for any reason, you have lost one of the thirty-two of his little friends. How to survive the loss with the least damage to the nerves and health?

While you're still in the hospital, do not jump immediately after the doctor has finished work and showed you an extracted tooth. Too sharp increase physical activity can lead to bleeding - you need some time that the blood thickens and, under the influence of oxygen in the jaw to form a more dense "plug", covering the fresh wound. If you performed a simple removal - you need at least a 10-minute rest, in the case of surgery (especially if you have stitches) should sit quietly for 30-60 minutes. The doctor may suggest that you bite a gauze pad. Do not give up, the pressure jaws will also help stop the bleeding.

Before you go home, your dentist will prescribe the date of inspection and list the procedures for postoperative oral care, prescribe the necessary medicines. Carefully follow all recommendations. At least two hours after tooth extraction refrain from any sudden movements, do not touch the wound tongue or hands, do not chew gum or suck on candy or tablets, it can provoke or exacerbate bleeding.

A small amount of red blood will continue to stand for some time, this is normal. If the bleeding is amplified and appear in it clots, bite gauze pad or a folded piece of paper towel, trying to keep the pressure of 40-50 minutes at a time. In the case where the bleeding continues to bother you, call your dentist or go to the clinic. Typically bleeding passes within 8 hours aftertooth extractionIn some cases the embodiment may be deemed normal selection period in blood 72 hours after surgery.

In the case of pain attacks take you doctor recommended remedy. Better to avoid aspirin and aspirinosoderzhaschih drugs because they thin the blood and prevent it stop. Most likely, the dentist will recommend to take a pill ibuprofen.

It is extremely important to keep the surgical site clean, especially if you have experienced surgical removal,extraction wisdom. Be very careful when brushing your teeth, and if the doctor did not prescribe another, gently rinse your mouth (not well!) Tepid brine (half spoon of salt in a glass of water) or a solution hlorofillipta (10 drops per 100 ml of water). Take care that the wound did not get food particles. On the day after the extraction, take only homogeneous food, gradually returning to the usual menu. Until complete recovery refrain from visiting baths, saunas, hot tubs decision.

Possible complications after tooth extraction

As with any surgery,extraction might not go as smoothly as we would like. Possible consequences include, but are bleeding, swelling, fever, infection control.

In contrast to the Middle Ages, today infection and inflammation is accompanied by the removal of the tooth is extremely rare, but from time to time, such cases are recorded. First, you must make sure there is not associated infection and inflammation of the fact that some fragment of a tooth or a tool "forgotten" in the jaw. Secondly, it is necessary as soon as possible to begin treatment with antibiotics. Therefore, at the slightest sign of infection (suppuration, severe pain), seek medical advice immediately. If you have a wisdom tooth removed and the end of the week after the surgery does not open his mouth wider - it can also be a sign of infection.

Swelling - a very commonconsequence of tooth extractionEspecially wisdom teeth or severely decayed teeth. Swelling of the gums and cheeks after removal caused partial destruction of the surrounding soft tissue tooth. Typically, these annoying, but relatively small flyusoobraznye swelling independently tested after 2-3 days, recovering the symmetry of the face and diction.

Edema can be caused by an allergic reaction to drugs used for anesthesia - then help antihistamine. Worsening, painful, throbbing and swelling after hottooth extraction can be signs of the beginning of an infectious inflammation. In that case, you should immediately go to the clinic and in any case not to self-medicate.

Increased body temperature after tooth - Normal reaction to trauma. The temperature can "ride" 2-3 days, normalizing the morning and rising in the evening, by itself it does not mean the infection. Maintain the prescribed hygiene and take antipyretics (paracetamol and ibuprofen), but if the condition does not improve on the fourth day and also you do not like the state of the wound, it is a good reason to visit the doctor.

Contraindications for tooth removal

Set asideextractionIf you have your period or if you are pregnant (first and third trimesters). In the first case, the removal of heavy bleeding fraught addition, most women hormonal reasons underestimated pain threshold. In the second - the use of anesthesia may adversely affect the fetus, as well as the inevitable stressful experience. If you suffer from diseases of the blood supply, or are taking cardiac medications, you must replace the dentist in popularity - it can also give rise to medotvoda.

Olga mob
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: antibiotic, fever, pregnancy, ambassador, raising, gum, lozenge, consequence, bleeding, reaction, root, slice, delete, recommendation tool complication, wisdom, gauze, medical treatment, surgery, tumor, swelling, inflammation, tooth infection, drug treatment, aspirin, dentistry, symptom, jaw wound, reduce the heat, trimester, suppuration, tearing, antihistamine, resection