Thrush: Symptoms and proper treatment

Thrush: Symptoms and proper treatment
 Itching and burning in intimate places, strange discharge, discomfort during intercourse - all this is a harbinger of thrush. But no need to panic - Today, there are many treatments for thrush, the benefit of pharmacological market developed as "excellent".

Vaginal candidiasis - so thrush sounds in medical language. This disease is quite unpleasant, since it is associated with greater problems. The main signs of thrush are burning, itching in the genitals, vaginal discharge cheesy appearance, impaired urination, redness of the external genitalia, the sensation of pain during intercourse.

However, not all sick immediately turn to the experts. Many people mistakenly believe that yeast will take place by itself. However, if left untreated, it can become chronic. In addition, yeast can cause inflammation of the bladder and urethra, cervical lesions, mucosal disease.

Today there is no reliable data on the causes of thrush. It may be chronic infection and intense use of antibiotics and a weakened immune system, and metabolic and hormonal failure. It is therefore important for the early diagnosis and cure thrush. Treatment of this disease runs in stages.

Firstly, it is necessary to eliminate the source of the disease - a fungus Candida, and for this the doctor may prescribe anti-fungal drugs, which have to take, not only locally, but also inside. Your doctor may also appoint a survey to determine the sensitivity to such drugs to choose the most suitable for this particular patient medication. The second stage of treatment is to strengthen the immune system. And finally carried vaginal flora restoration and intestines.

Strict adherence to the recommendations of the attending physician will not only get rid of yeast infection and prevent its occurrence again.

In conclusion it should be stressed that preventive measures can also help protect the body from "attack" thrush. It is important to only wear cotton underwear quality. In hot weather it is better to abandon the tight tights. And be sure all women should observe good hygiene standards.

Tags: thrush, treatment, symptom