Moles - whether to delete them?

Moles - whether to delete them?
 On the body of each person has moles (nevi). Large and small, round and flat. With some we are born, others appear later. Scientists have found that the number of moles laid at the genetic level. They appear in moments of serious hormonal changes: puberty, pregnancy, menopause. Dangerous or not these skin formation and whether to get rid of them?

There are several varieties of moles or nevi: papilloma, birthmarks, and other formations on the skin. Nevi are classified as benign tumors, which are able to transform into malignant. Up to this point moles are not dangerous. But as soon as they start to grow, change color or shape, touching them becomes painful, you should immediately consult a doctor, oncologist. Typically, such a mole removed. Also get rid of large, hanging moles, particularly if they are located in places where they are subjected to friction, may be affected (neck, wrist, waist, and the like).

There are several ways to remove moles:
- Surgery - let's call it the "right" in terms of oncology method. The doctor removes itself and the mole, and the skin around it. After surgery, the scar remains, so this method is justified if there is a suspicion of malignancy.

- Laser - beam destroyed tissue nevus and cauterize blood vessels, ruling out the possibility of metastasis. At the site of moles remain inconspicuous scar. Skin after such a procedure is recovering faster than after surgery.

- Electrocoagulation - the impact on the electric mole. Nevus destroyed by heating. This procedure is somewhat painful, moreover, it is impossible to conduct histological analysis of burned tissue.
- Cryosurgery - freezing with liquid nitrogen. Quickly and safely, but as in the previous case, due to the destruction moles histology can not take the material for analysis.

In the event that the decision to remove moles taken, remember the main thing: in any case not to self-medicate. Do not use this dubious methods of traditional medicine. The consequences can be unpredictable: from escalation of infection to a mole into a malignant tumor. It is not necessary to remove them in beauty salons. Entrust the care of their health professionals - oncologists.

Tags: spot, mole removal