Memory impairment: treatment, symptoms

 Since you clearly something wrong: noon yesterday you were looking for keys, unable to remember where they were put on the eve of today have found that not remember phone colleagues. You are scared and depressed, memory impairment scares you. Only one way out - trip to the doctor. Today women's magazine JustLady tell about the phenomenon of memory impairment, symptoms and treatment of disease.

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Most often,cause memory impairment there is a general aging of the body. But this is not the only reason. If you're still young enough, but feel that they have become scattered and forgetful, try to explore the pre-condition of its own.

Maybe you have had a brain injury or a long time you are in a state of depression, poor sleep at night? Lovers of good diets to remember what they ate and when was the last time - an unhealthy diet, unbalanced intake of nutrients (primarily a lack of carbohydrates in the diet) may be the cause of memory impairment. Thentreatment of memory impairment in your case - a normal diet, proper rest and exercise.

Causesmemory loss may be purely psychological aspects. For example, you're so busy lately with some thoughts that bad concentrate on the present moment, it is often scattered. Another reason - the desire to forget something. That is, you deliberately cross out some point of their memories, and along with all that this somehow connected.

In this case, you'd better starttreatment of memory impairment a psychologist. Often forgetfulness is not an independent disease, but a symptom of mental illness, depression, phobias and fears.

However, there may be reasons other diseases. If you are unable to establish a clear cause of yourself, do not wait, go to the doctor.Memory impairment may be accompanied by such ailments as circulatory problems (insufficient blood supply to the brain), atherosclerosis, thyroid dysfunction, and others.

It is clear that self-supply the correct diagnosis, you can not, andtreatment of memory impairment in these cases should be under the supervision of a specialist.

Or maybe you take for memory impairment some small, meaningless cases?
If you forget your phone number or the name of a friend yesterday, which saw the first time and caught - it does not mean anything.

In medical practicesymptoms of memory impairment determine how the inability to recall events that happened to you the day, week or a few weeks ago. But you perfectly guided in the distant past, in the details and the details can describe an event that occurred a few years ago.

There are also cases wheresymptom of memory impairment is the inability to remember some information that was communicated to you right here and now.

Incidentally, in the elderlymemory impairment with failures and inability to restore the whole time intervals is not considered normal. Yes, the body is aging, brain communication processes transmitting and receiving information inevitably broken, but not to that extent. If an elderly person understands that every day is worse oriented in recent events (that is, on the face progression) it is also necessarytreatment of memory impairment. This can be a symptom of Alzheimer's disease.

Now there are drugs that are able to maintain brain signals, they are recommended for older people with Alzheimer's disease. But the disease, they, unfortunately, do not cure. But if the cause of your illness is not senile disease, then it is quite possible the successful treatment of memory disorders, unless the time to begin treating diseases caused by this phenomenon.

Moreover, the very good results prevention of memory impairment. It helps even the elderly to maintain a clear conscience. First of all you need to fully fed, protein, fat and carbohydrates in your diet should always be enough. However, with fatty foods, salt and sugar have to be careful.

If you feel the symptoms of memory loss, add to the diet of spices such as ginger and cinnamon - studies have shown that they have a positive effect on the brain. It was also shown that whenmemory impairment helps vitamin E and herb ginkgo biloba.

The second thing you should do be sure, this exercise. Let it be even just a walk, but you have to move in order to improve blood circulation, and thus stimulate the flow in the brain of the same blood and oxygen.

Third, it will be useful for the prevention of, or in addition totreatment of memory impairment - Work out. Observed that older people who have not lost interest in life, read newspapers and books, crossword puzzles remain lucid. You can go further, for example, to take up the study of any subject, at least in English, just for prevention of memory impairment.

And fourth, as you probably guessed it - giving up bad habits. Smoking and alcohol on their own, may not affect the ability to remember, but they cause many disorders, the symptoms of which serves as memory impairment.

If you feelsymptoms of memory impairmentDo not panic and do not fall into a prolonged depression, it will only worsen your condition. Remember that to understand what is happening to you, it may only be a specialist. In addition, every year developed more and more new drugs to fight this disorder.

Therefore, do not delay treatment - started on time, it will surely bring results.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: memory, vitamin, treatment, disorder symptom, promotion, deterioration